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Trump’s ‘Truth Social’ Facing Grave Financial Issues

Former president Donald Trump’s “Truth Social” website is in serious financial difficulty as its traffic is dwindling and the company scheduled to acquire it expresses fear that Trump’s legal problems could lead to a big decline in his popularity. In addition, the company’s financial base has begun to erode, and it stopped paying its conservative web-hosting service RightForge back in March, meaning it now owes RightForge more than $1 million. Payment disputes and a dwindling audience are fueling doubts about whether the former president’s Twitter clone can survive.

What? Trump is behind a failed business? Say it isn’t so! I just don’t get it; they had such a solid business model - using dark money provided by international crooks, shysters, and arms merchants - to finance a place where half-wits, conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, and other crackpots can gather to tell each other outrageous lies, spread hate, and defend the indefensible. Now, please explain how something so foolproof could possibly fail. How sad! Why, after I told all my friends about it, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Of course, many of them were heavily medicated.

Honestly, I just don’t get it. Why, Trump even hired a California congressman and dairy farmer named Devin Nunes to run the show. That’s because as everyone knows - behind every successful media & technology company, there have to be dairy cows. It’s just that simple. So, traffic on the site is also weak? Frankly, it sounds like a lot of hard-core MAGA “patriots” have spun so far to the right that Trump may now be way too liberal for them. In fact, in some circles, Trump is now considered a “TINO” - which means “Trump In Name Only.”

Frankly, I find it rather hard to believe someone could fail at this, selling “pure BS” to Americans - when we seem to have such an endless appetite for it. Gee, if only they could figure out a way to launder foreign drug money that might help…oh, wait! Oh well, guess this venture will soon join Trump’s other failures - like Trump casinos, Trump University, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Charities, and Trump Steaks. I guess the only question left now is - when Trump finally croaks, where will his carcass be displayed - in the Capitol Rotunda, or in the cafeteria at Mar-a-Lago?

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johnnyrobish 8 Aug 28
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I can't see how so many fall for his crap when they get told the truth over and over and can see it first hand


When he finally croaks we all know it could not have happened to a nicer man. 🙂

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 28, 2022

BUWAHAHAHAAAA! Things are looking better every day...for us, not that Orange Asshole!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 28, 2022

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