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Don Jr.’s Girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle Angry Lazy Folks Getting Tuition Help

During a Newsmax interview, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle decried Biden’s student loan forgiveness as a “communist” plot, arguing “Paying off loans for people they want to have some bizarre basket weaving degree and they want all of us to subsidize their laziness and their inability to even try to contribute to society.”

Wait, a minute? The woman who got paid a $60,000 speaking fee for simply giving her fiancé Don Jr. a two-minute introduction at the Jan. 6th “Stop the Steal” rally said what? I guess that’s why when people think “Kimberly Guilfoyle,” the first thing that comes to mind is “hard worker.” Not to mention, it also solves the age-old math equation “What costs $60,000, yet lasts only 2 minutes?”

Anyway, Guilfoyle is angry folks will use this money to pay off “basket weaving degrees.” Gee, I really can’t think of any schools offering degrees in “basket weaving,” other than perhaps Trump University, but they were shut down a long time ago for fraud. In addition, Guilfoyle is mad as hell students will get their loans paid off, but “won’t contribute to society.” Oh, now I get it. By the way, can someone remind me exactly what her contribution to society is? I seem to be drawing a blank.

Meanwhile, recent GED grad and US Rep. Lauren Boebert suggested the real reason students can’t get out of debt, is because they majored in stupid things like “Lesbian Dance Theory.” Really? Well, let’s not forget thanks to Trump’s ultra-conservative evangelical supreme court, our tax dollars will soon be used to help pay for Republican kids to go to “private Christian schools.” You know, schools where they’ll be taught the Earth is only 6000 years old, Jesus rode dinosaurs, and Hillary Clinton is the “anti-Christ.” Now that folks, is an education you can build a career on - assuming you want to be the next Alex Jones or Glenn Beck.

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johnnyrobish 8 Aug 31
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