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Trump Claims He’s ‘Financially Supporting’ Jan 6th Defendants

During an interview on the Wendy Bell Podcast, Donald Trump claimed he recently met with Jan 6’ers and is actually “financially supporting” some of them. He then said if he wins re-election, he will be “looking very strongly at full pardons” for all Jan 6th defendants, along with “an apology” from the US Government.

Now, wait a minute! I don’t get it! I thought Republicans told us the Jan 6th insurrection was basically a “false-flag operation,” and that the people who actually broke into the US Capitol Building to try and stop Joe Biden’s certification as president, were actually Antifa, BLM, and undercover FBI operatives. Now, why would Donald Trump want to pardon or financially support them? One thing’s for sure, he’s definitely not paying their legal bills. Hell, he doesn’t even pay his own lawyers.

Anyway, after Trump claims he’s financially supporting Jan 6th defendants, a few minutes later he’s asking the audience for donations. Kinda like “Patriots, all I need is your credit card number and an expiration date.” Now, I’m no financial analyst, but just who’s doing the supporting here, anyway? Call me crazy, but it just doesn’t seem like an especially smart idea - trying to pay off or dangle pardons for insurrectionists, while the DOJ is investigating you for “espionage.” Just a thought.

Then, Trump tells Wendy Bell how “disgraceful” it is, what they are doing to those poor Jan 6th defendants. Well, I’m not so sure “they” are doing anything to them. Hell, the way I heard it, some big fat Orange Buffoon got up to the podium and told everyone to march over to the Capitol Building, to “fight like hell” to stop the certification of a democratically elected president. Now, many of those folks are sitting in jail - suffering the consequences - and Trump’s playing golf.

Of course, the funny thing is, if this is all so “disgraceful,” how is it Trump didn’t pardon any of them when he could have? Gee, seems he somehow still managed to pardon his influential friends. Well, I guess those MAGAs have no one to blame but themselves. After all, if they’d just worked a wee bit harder, they might’ve come up with enough cash to pay for one of those sweet Trump pardons. What were they thinking, anyway? Trump just passes out pardons for free, based on merit? I mean, what the hell do they think he is, a socialist?

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johnnyrobish 8 Sep 4
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re trump....lee harvy oswald...where are you now that we really need you...



Annnnd he's on Her podcast because his media channel is bankrupt, I hear....


I can go along with every word of this. The problem is that some Trump cultists do not get it. Trump has to keep busy and get a lot of money you know. That's because payments on some big loans are all coming due. The gullible are lining up with their credit cards. They know all about Pocahantas and The Squad.

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 4, 2022

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