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White Supremacy and Christian Nationalism Share The Same Theological Foundation

Could we have a kinder, gentler Christian Nationalism, one that rejects white supremacy and the pursuit of oppressive, antidemocratic power? Unfortunately, no.

Christian Nationalism arose out of a mainstream medieval Christian doctrine known as the Curse of Ham. This doctrine originated in a racist reading of chapter 9 of Genesis in the Christian bible. This doctrine held that Europeans and their descendants around the world are ordained by the Christian god to hold power over everyone else, and given the sacred right to possess Africans and their descendants as slaves. This very same Christian doctrine is what was used to justify the belief that the United States is a Christian nation.

Christian Nationalism and white supremacy are always linked together, because they have the same ideological root within Christianity.

For this reason, we can't have a friendly, neutral, non-oppressive Ceremonial Deism. Whenever politicians end their speeches with "God Bless America", they're supporting a racist theology. Whenever our children are coerced to say a pledge at school that declares "One Nation Under God", they're learning to accept a religious frame that accepts white supremacy.

CliffordCook 6 Sep 4
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I just want actual Separation of church & state, and taxing the politicized "churches"!

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