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The Big Myth About Inequality: It Just Happened!

The standard line in policy circles about the soaring inequality of the last four decades is that it is just an unfortunate outcome of technological change. As a result of technological developments, education is much more highly valued and physical labor has much less value. The drop in relative income for workers without college degrees is unfortunate and provides grounds for lots of hand wringing and bloviating in elite media outlets, but hey, what can you do?


But hey, what can you do?

Well my response was ---- Consider each time the drop in manufacturing jobs occurred, you had fewer workers in the pool that the percentages were effecting. So by the time we got to the large slide in 2000 to 2010, we’re essentially looking at a tsunami coming in and sucking out the pool that was already largely diminished.

The only realistic means to reverberate manufacturing jobs is by local and state governments collaborating with local businesses who genuinely care about American workers towards rebuilding our economy is to develop worker cooperative work places to challenge private industries. Rather than pay out millions or billions to keep or bring in a company into their locality, put that money towards a take over under security claims. Allowing a company to hold a locality hostage by such means should, quite frankly, be considered criminal and detrimental to that society. After 5 decades can anyone not see the sense of negative national security these practices have incited towards the harms the working class has endured? What more does it take to recognize that we have had a class warfare being waged on us as the working class constantly loses while the ruling elite exploit the shit out of us with the help of our representation and medias they also own?

William_Mary 8 Sep 18
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