Researchers Find Massive Anti-Russian ‘Bot Army’
An Australian university has unearthed millions of Tweets by fake accounts pushing disinformation on the Ukraine war, Peter Cronau reports. The sample size dwarfs other studies of covert propaganda about the war on social media.
A team of researchers at the University of Adelaide have found that as many as 80 percent of tweets about the 2022 Russia-Ukraine invasion in its early weeks were part of a covert propaganda campaign originating from automated fake “bot” accounts.
An anti-Russia propaganda campaign originating from a “bot army” of phony automated Twitter accounts flooded the internet at the start of the war.
The research shows that of the more than 5 million tweets studied, 90.2 percent (both bot and non-bot) came from accounts that were pro-Ukraine, with fewer than 7 percent of the accounts being classed as pro-Russian.
In other words. An entirely new level of David Brock has been born. Paying people to get on social media, per post, to spread fake news and attack citizens with opposing ideology and comments against chosen political criminals was so successful that NGOs and think tanks now hire and fill entire rooms and or buildings with people who are willing to deceive their own for a small share of the billionaires put into controlling the world.
Right now you should be questioning why you haven't heard of this before. Since this "war began" independent sources have exposed the numerous means of how false propaganda has been at play in regards to the Ukraine issue. Who has been funding this propaganda in support for Ukraine which actually "began" in 2014. A lot of people often admit that one only needs to follow the money. But if your not properly following the money you're sure to be duped. And our MSCM and MSMs aren't going to properly lead you to the money if it goes against the establishment agenda. Universities are also often left out of the social media structure in regards to important discovery for the citizenship.
For example, the socialist economic Professor Richard Wolff who I've often used in post will never see the set of a MSCM TV program despite the number of US universities he's taught at. Peter Phillips who has exposed the workings of these types of groups that work for international ruling class. His debates at conferences and collages will never see air time either. You can only find his work at Democracy at Work and on Youtube. And people like them. They, like many other scholars, that provide information that questions the establishment going against western governments agendas and false narratives can also be found at another worthy source, RT International. Another example of how those who provide a critical view of needed intellectual knowledge are pushed to the margins of society to keep us indoctrinated and engulfed in a delusional reality.
While RT is on my mind. They have recently began opening up some new shows, some coming from Americans.
Christy Ai, use to co-host Boom Bust. {The Cost of Everything} has started another economic show. The Cost of Everything with Christy Ai breaks down the trends, products, technologies, and more to help you, the viewer, navigate in a financial world that’s growing ever more complicated.
Scottie Nell Hughes who use to have a show previously before RT was banned {The 360 View} From education to politics, trade, and more, Scottie breaks down global trends and helps you, the viewer, see how local issues affect the entire globe.
The Modus Operandi---Manila Chan dives deep into global foreign policy to examine the methods and history which reverberate in our lives today. MO examines the world at a historical turning point, as nations rise and challenge the unipolar world that has been dominant since the end of the cold war. Who will rise, who will fall, and how will an emerging global order operate? Find out on Modus Operandi with Manila Chan.
Last night I caught a show called Whistle Blowers hosted by John Kiriakou a former CIA agent. Not on the following page yet. One other which escapes my memory in regards to the name and context. These as before RT was banned are not shows based on supporting Russia by any means. They're purely informative content. If you find them negative as they challenge what you think you know, you just might be deep in a rabbit hole constructed mostly of false indoctrination. If it hurts to apply critical thought to the content, you're either to deep in the hole to be rescued or lack the intelligence to think for yourselves. So anyone who wants to spew the RT rhetoric, you know who you are, spare us who have the intellect to want to educate ourselves. We'll just ignore you anyways. []
{Reports on the new research have appeared in only a few independent media sites, and on Russia’s RT. The ground-breaking study exposing a massive anti-Russia social media disinformation campaign has been effectively ignored by Western establishment media, showing how stories that don’t fit the desired pro-Western narrative are routinely buried.}
You know it happens within our party election cycles. We have years of evidence being recorded on this realm also. Why is it so hard for so many not to recognize that they're being duped into the same false pretenses? That they continue to refuse to use sources outside of establishment narrative programing. You can't get the change you want if you don't use the information that exposes their deceptions.
{The published data shows that in the first week of the Ukraine-Russia war there was a huge mass of pro-Ukrainian hashtag bot activity. Approximately 3.5 million tweets using the hashtag #IStandWithUkraine were sent by bots in that first week.}
I provided the information in post on how these groups were formed shortly after Feb. I provided documentaries exposing the funding groups and Soros as being the primary contributors in 2014. In one of those documentaries Robert Parry outlined exactly how they worked in the build up to the 2014 illegal overthrow of the then democratically elected government, along with how they've been working in other countries for decades. They have essentially taken over the past manipulations of a society that the CIA use to perform. Which now they are no longer able to be tied to the manipulation of a society and can work in the shadows with the violent groups and militaries that enviably set the course for regime changes.
Our MSMs then turn those false narratives loose on us in coverage to buy our compliance. They no longer do the ground work as the false information is fed to them from these various groups and fake news sources built by these funding manipulators. The Robert Parry's of investigative on ground coverage is a sham today. What few reporters they have "on the ground" sit in a hotel and get emailed the content from these manufactured sources to send back home. If you see them in Ukraine, supposedly on the war front, it's quite easy to find the means to manufacture information and people who will stick to the establishment narrative. And there's been plenty of evidence where people have admitted they were forced to lie, and reporters admitting their coverage was false. Journalist exposing these falsehoods are now on hit list of the Ukrainian secret service and government.
{They found the two main participating sides in the propaganda war have their own particular goals and style. “Russian social media pushes narratives around their motivation, and Ukrainian social media aims to foster and maintain external support from Western countries, as well as promote their military efforts while undermining the perception of the Russian military.”}
In other words. Ukraine's agenda is to invalidate the genocidal campaign that has been raging since 2014 unchecked by western governments and the UN and Russia's security, while conning the societies of the west into a compliance towards funding and supporting this organized crime.
{While the research findings concentrated on automated Twitter bots, there were also findings on the use of hashtags by non-bot tweeters. They found significant information flows from non-bot pro-Russian accounts, but no significant flows from non-bot pro-Ukraine accounts.}
Do I need to spell that one out for you? High fives to all those who are reading this and applied critical intellect to the discussions! Thank you for the help!!! Even if we get one person to wake the hell up it's worth it!!!
{The U.S. has invested $40 million since 2017 in helping Ukraine buttress its information technology sector. According to U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, the investments have helped Ukrainians “keep their internet on and information flowing, even in the midst of a brutal Russian invasion.”}
In other words. More evidence that both the physical and information war were being prepared years ahead of time. I'll argue that that places the brutality on the other side. The brutality the Donbass regions went through for 8 years. The brutality the entire Ukraine society is suffering under fascist. The brutality that Europe and Africa are facing economically. The brutality many in the US are feeling which more will face shortly.
Wars & Lies in Our Pockets
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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