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Leaks Spelling the End for Ukraine

Leaked U.S. intelligence documents have exposed Western disinformation about Ukraine winning the war. Now the heavy fighting moves to Washington


{A Washington Post headline last week was a bombshell for someone who has only been reading about the Ukraine war in The Washington Post and other Western media: “U.S. doubts Ukraine counteroffensive will yield big gains, leaked document says.”

*The story admits that Western media audiences have been misled about the course of the war, that essentially what mainstream media has been reporting about Ukraine has been a pack of lies😘 namely that Ukraine is winning the war and is poised to launch an offensive that will lead to a final victory.

Instead, the second paragraph of the piece makes clear the leaked documents show the long-planned Ukrainian offensive will fail miserably — “a marked departure from the Biden administration’s public statements about the vitality of Ukraine’s military.”

In other words, U.S. officials have been lying about the state of the war to the public and to reporters who have faithfully reported their every word without a hint of skepticism.}

In other words. Our MSCMs and most MSMs have again been collaborate in deceiving the American citizenship in various aspects of the manufactured Ukraine war. Just as these 2 entities (representatives and medias) did in regards to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Will we never learn!?! They spent the first 8 years essentially suppressing the existence of the war, how it was manufactured, the reasoning, and the fascist ideology of the puppet government the US installed in Ukraine. While an agenda to change history took place all the while. As a reported nearly 100 US billion dollars have been spent on it. I'm certain that figure is quite low though.

This is a mirroring result of both Iraq and Afghanistan where for 20 years we faced false reporting of progress then leading to reasoning for multiple resurgence agendas. Which it was ultimately leaked not long ago that they knew the Afghanistan war could never be won. As their deceptive means of winning was a fallacy even as they went in. Their agenda to go after the 9/11 terrorist was a blatant lie. It was never the agenda. Afghanistan was simply turned into a killing field for profit on various fronts for various corporations. Ukraine is now that very same type of killing field for the same reasons. Along with manufacturing Russia as an enemy to weaken her and to potentially expand more warring in neighboring countries.

As I've been saying all along, we were being lied to while conned into supporting and funding a fascist war built off our backs that began in 2014. There are many American's who should be ashamed today! I've been covering this war on these forums since 2016 and clearly seen the truth and I'm ashamed as an American. I'm tired of carrying that shame alone.

{The Post said, as if it’s a bad thing, that the leaks will likely “embolden critics who feel the United States and NATO should do more to push for a negotiated settlement to the conflict.”}

And right on cue, when the truth can no longer be denied, MSMs like the Post and NYT, find a measure of common sense.

Why Did the MSM Publish the Leaks?

{The second reason has to do with keeping up appearances. These leaks were eventually to come out somewhere and may not have been easily ignored. What would it have looked like if the big papers didn’t have it first?

More importantly, corporate journalism needs to keep up the pretense that it is actually doing journalism, i.e. that it will publish material from time to time that makes their governments look bad, and in this case, even themselves. They have to convince the public that they haven’t entirely given up on adversarial journalism if they are to survive.}

Only after their collaborate con is about to be exposed will they provide daylight and a carrot for the rabbits in the hole. It keeps the rabbits near the hole for the next con job. Letting you fully out to seek the real world to genuinely educate yourself can not be tolerated.

Why the Media Went After the Leaker

{Rather than protecting the source of leaks, vital to the public, they hunted down the alleged leaker, 21-year old Air National Guardsman Jack Texiera, who was arrested by military-clad F.B.I. agents outside his Massachusetts home.

Texiera was not in the C.I.A. so there is no way he’d have access to an Operations Center document, Johnson wrote. So how did he get his hands on it?

The implication is that Texiera may have been a patsy for someone within the realist wing of the U.S. military or intelligence establishment who opposes the neocons’ obsession with continuing the war at all costs.}

Who are they helping the intelligence agency cover up for?

{Is there any conceivable way that he (Biden) could accept Ukraine losing this war, after all the blue and yellow flag-waving, without also losing the election?

The Biden team’s aim was to bleed Russia. But it is Ukraine that is hemorrhaging. Will reality at last overcome delusion in Washington?

Biden should be wrapped in a large blue and yellow flag and sent to a hall of shame with rooms with bars.

William_Mary 8 Apr 23
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