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Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village

After an Israeli reserve soldier named David Ben Zion told a reporter Palestinian militants “cut [off] heads of babies,” Biden, Netanyahu, and the international media amplified the dubious claim.
The Grayzone has identified Ben Zion as a fanatical settler leader who incited riots by demanding a Palestinian town be “wiped out.”


Be dissenting towards what we're being told by western medias! The information as I always warn of is of a selective, biased, nature to fit Israel's narrative. As always, it benefits another agenda of genocide and profits for the war machines.

{In an October 10 interview with reporter Nicole Zedek of the Israeli state-sponsored i24 network, Ben Zion stated, “We walked door to door, we killed a lot of terrorists. They are very bad. They cut heads of children, they cut heads of women. But we are stronger than them.”

He added, “We know that they are animals,” referring to Palestinians, “but we found that they don’t have any heart.”

Oren Ziv, an Israeli reporter who joined the military’s official tour of Kfar Aza, commented on Twitter, “I’m getting a lot of question about the reports of ‘Hamas beheaded babies’ that were published after the media tour in the village. During the tour we didn’t see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn’t mention any such incidents.”}

How Media Outlets Work With Israel To Control Gaza Narrative

I have warned many times of the work of public relation firms, think tanks, and NGO groups who work for the ruling class to develop false and deceiving news content, which is handed down to our medias to echo out at us. Israel has them especially hard at work for them right now, as they always have been. It's the same scenario we have been delivered in regards to the Ukraine war for the past 2 years. Our medias being handed down only what the western governments want released to us. That the Ukraine governments biased, selective, information it allows to be delivered.

William_Mary 8 Oct 21
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I personally haven't seen the baby beheading videos, but I have seen videos of Hamas militants shooting into civilian homes in a suburb.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 21, 2023

Indeed a tragedy. One doesn't justify another. The tragedies in this region reached an uncountable point decades ago in this nearly century old genocide campaign of the Zionist. The fact that the world governments have allowed this to become another normal existence is in itself a tragedy for the world society. It's simply another genocidal tragedy on top of genocidal tragedies that have been going on for the entire history of mankind. The fact that they still continue this late in our development as a species is profoundly sickening.

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