Second Nakba; Same Israeli Lies; Same Western Narrative
Israel is openly carrying out ethnic cleansing inside Gaza and yet, just as during the first “Nakba,” Israel’s lies and deceptions dominate the West’s media and political narrative
History is repeating itself — and every politician and establishment journalist is pretending they cannot see what is staring them in the face. There is a collective and wilful refusal to join the dots in Gaza, even when they point in one direction only.
There has been a consistent pattern to Israel’s behaviour since its creation 75 years ago — just as there has been a consistent pattern to the “see no evil, hear no evil” response of western powers.
In 1948, in events the Palestinians call their “Nakba,” or Catastrophe, 80 percent of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their lands in what became the self-declared Jewish state of Israel.
I want to point out two important aspects of the above, in regards to narrative and history. For those who are outside of my group {Out Of The Illusion} the whole premise of the group is to expose the betrayals that engulf us within those two aspects, and others, within western societies. The illusions of various means they have designed to betray us is plastered all over the group name and the writeup with it, and pinned post at the top of the message board. Their narratives and their falsely manufactured history which is on a multi global scale is a criminal act of betraying the world society. While they give us enough to keep a significant comfortable, in our names they are global terrorist. And since WWll the US has been used as the strong arm to continue what had happen in the previous centuries under European dynasties. Our families used as cannon fodder to achieve the continued fascist rule and plundering of other nations for the agenda of global dominance. Every war of the 20th century up to today has been manufactured off deceptions and or blatant lies in which our families have been sacrificed for. Their blood and the blood of millions globally are just as much on our hands from within our silent complicity and or ignorance. Quite frankly, the latter of those two are hard to except with the means we have to discover the facts today from outside sources of the medias that are bought and work for the terrorist ruling class. Be it so, when, how, do we manage to step out of their illusions for the sake of our worldly brothers and sisters?
{As the historians also discovered, Israeli leaders lied when they claimed that they had pleaded, first, with the 900,000 Palestinians inside the new state’s borders to stay and, later, with the 750,000 forced into exile to return home.
Rather, the archives showed that the new Israeli state’s soldiers had carried out terrible massacres to drive out the Palestinian population. The overall ethnic cleansing operation had a name, Plan Dalet.
Later, Israeli leaders even lied in minimising the number of Palestinian agricultural communities they had destroyed: there were more than 500 wiped from the face of the earth by Israeli bulldozers and army sappers. Paradoxically, this procedure was popularly known by Israelis as “making the desert bloom.”}
This actually began with British help in 1919 with people forced off their farmlands. As time went by they were all either forced to leave or become refugees in what today is Gaza, a 25 mile long stretch of land 5 miles wide. Approximately half of those that were in Gaza before this latest campaign, were people still surviving from those eras or decedents of. Basically trapped in an open air prison surrounded by walls and now being carpet bombed for apparently the final phase. Essentially herded into a rectangle box of a killing field.
{These defences started to crumble with the advent of social media and a digital world in which information could be disseminated more easily. Western elites hurriedly tried to shut down any critical discussion of the circumstances in which the state of Israel was birthed by labelling it as antisemitism.}
There really is no excuse available today to be ignorant! There really isn't any excuse for us for not teaching our children the truth! Other than the fear of the false use of antisemitism against you. There should be no fear of that either when we join a multitude of Jewish people who oppose these actions also! Who are speaking out around the globe. This isn't antisemitism, it's antizionism! It's antifascism!
{So Israel is taking advantage of this moment to “finish the job”. The final destination is clearly in view, as, in truth, it has been for more than seven decades. The crime is unfolding step by step, the pace quickening. And yet senior politicians and journalists in the West, like their predecessors, continue to be blind to it all.}
We've been watching it unfold in small increments for decades. Any slight of reason to target these people comes another falsely manufactured reason to slaughter more of them, and journalist attempting to cover the story truthfully, unfolds. The pictures and videos coming out of Gaza today exposes the truth. The government and its supporters own descriptions provide their true intent! It's every aspect of the definition of genocide. There isn't any excuse to call it anything else other than a genocide campaign. It's a crime on humanity! All of humanity! Get away with it here, like they have been in Ukraine by supporting their fascist, it can happen to any of us. It is happening to us. In a small collective sort of means to keep you from recognizing it. And when our families are sent out to commit their crimes for them, they die or become physically and or mentally maimed for it.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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