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War in Ukraine & the ‘Crisis of Western Civilization’

After the collapse of the U.S.S.R. many Ukrainians, including members of the Rada, had a new agenda, writes Edward Lozansky. But Washington wasn’t interested.

The war in Ukraine has become a crisis of Western civilization.

Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker writes that the West is “losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing, and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.”

Baker nevertheless reminds us that “liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or political system” but he forgets to mention at what cost.

When it comes to prosperity, it was achieved not only by the hard work or technological innovations but also, to an unfortunately large degree, by colonialism whereby various European nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited large areas of the world, often to the detriment of the people already living in those colonized lands.

Shall we remember that most of the looting was never compensated or returned?

When it comes to freedom shall we also forget the deadliest extermination of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, Australia, Africa and Asia? What about slavery? According to the Wilson Center the great contradiction of American society was its birth as a self-proclaimed bastion of human freedom even while it created theories of race to justify slavery.


I've been attempting to get this sentiment across to a particular person for more than a week now. To no avail, complacency wins. It's the same usual result I find for so many who have been programed by perception management. They're engulfed so deeply into only what the system projects into their minds, unable to decipher and then separate the illusions to detect the delusional. While they are being betrayed by the system, they in turn betray their own beliefs. The only other reasoning would be a matter of complicity. Which often comes within the atmosphere of party lines, personal glorification of a person, and or the ideologies of both. They've become compliant to those they support while complaining about the opposition who commit the same atrocities, the ending result of complacency for all of it as a whole escapes their intellect.

After this article follows another from the Bandera Lobby Blog which I have been posting here for some time which exposes how fascism has been taking over the US for decades. Canada is highly victimized and a part of this arena also. Anyone new to the BLB can use it as an educational reference to how this fascist ideology has been spreading into our governments and judicial system since WWll. As you learn that fascism is the flip side of a coin with colonialism as it's partner. How did it begin in the US and Canada?

{Closer to our times, at the end of World War II, there was a spirit of camaraderie, if not brotherhood, between Americans and Russians, sometimes called the “Elbe Spirit” that was symbolized by the meeting of American and Soviet soldiers on the Elbe River in the German city of Torgau on April 25, 1945, on the eve of their joint victory over Nazi Germany.

Unfortunately, this spirit was betrayed almost immediately when thousands of Nazis and their collaborators were invited to settle in the United States, Canada and other Western countries, often with the direct assistance of U.S. intelligence officials who saw them as potential spies and informants in the Cold War against the Soviet Union.}

Which included thousands of Ukrainian Nazi's who joined the German army of that era. The BLB has many articles exposing the nature of their spread in the US and Canada. With Reagan essentially putting their foot into the door of our judicial system. We're not fighting to spread freedom and democracy, we're being fought against so they can spread an ideology that doesn't recognize freedom and democracy. The genocide campaigns we've been funding and supporting in Ukraine for 10 years is a humanitarian crime. The genocide campaign we're funding and supporting in Gaza is a humanitarian crime. That one has a century long history to it which is apparently now in its last stage.

Sadly for the Ukraine population, they are being used to a point that they have become the largest victims of genocide by their own government during the past 2 years since Russia was force to intervene. For what? The benefit of the western war machine, the capitalist markets and corporations, and world banks who will be running the country when it's all done with that falsely manufactured that war and marking Russia as false enemy. Prior the Ukrainian genocide campaign cost the Donbass region and surrounding other 2 regions approximately 15,000 lives. In a matter of 2 years, the deaths of Ukrainians in battle with Russia are well over 300,000 men and women now. They're willingly being exterminated by their own corrupt fascist government who are benefiting in various aspects themselves. Damned be the fascist supporting entities! Who will shoot anyone who tries to leave battle while being forced into a meat grinder, often ill equipped, kidnap people off the streets and from their homes. If they can safely surrender to Russian troops, they do so with the fear of what may happen to their families.

Banderite Brothers Inc

Defense contractors trying to 'reactivate' OUN-B in Pittsburgh area

Last year, his sons established a family foundation in his honor, but named it after their grandfather, a close associate of Stepan Bandera and US leader of Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B). Now the Wowczuk brothers are trying to “reactivate” an OUN-B front group in the Pittsburgh area.

“And boy, Zenovy Wowczuk is with us tonight,” said Governor Jim Justice (R-WV), who is running for US Senate next year, during his 2023 West Virginia State of the State Address. Zenovy is the youngest of the Wowczuk brothers, and Yurij is the oldest. There is not much to say about the second-born, Borys, except that he’s a board member of a regional Ukrainian credit union, and has posted some OUN stuff on social media. The Wowczuks appear to already have an ally in Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), whose son, Moore Capito, is vying to be the next governor. The gubernatorial candidate appointed Zenovy Wowczuk to his campaign’s “West Virginia Business Council Advisory Board.” According to an online bio,


War and fascist ideology is the mix. This site is a library of knowledgeable information towards learning where these people are in your region. What their ideology and purposes are. Which of our politicians are working with them. The groups they belong too, think tanks, NGOs, schools and churches they're embedded with are. This is evangelist on steroids. Freedom and democracy has no place in their hearts!

William_Mary 8 Dec 17
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My very first post on this site (as powder) was the 14 indicators of fascism by Lawrence Britt []
Fascism is the end game of unbridled capitalism ie was always going to end this way as government became more and more for the corporate world rather than "the people". You bridle capitalism with socialist policy eg national parks, healthcare, free schooling etc. to avoid this end. This is/ was done in Europe, Australia, NZ, Canada etc but not the states where "socialist" is a dirty word. Austerity has made those with socialist policies become more fascist, as it is socialist ideals which are removed during austerity.
Russia was always going to achieve its aims of a neutral Ukraine or be destroyed in the attempt. They could see fascism rising there and one thing everyone should have absolutely clear in their minds is Russians do not like fascists, especially ones with designs on their country. Putin well understands the US is a fascist state now since the Patriot Act and he gave a famous speech in 2006 about not bothering to seek inspiration and guidance from the "West" who treated him as Russia has always been treated by Europe; backwards cousins. Putin is fighting that ideology more than anything. Government for corporations, not the people.
I laugh how "the West" is still crapping on about the reconstruction of Ukraine. They will have no say in it at all as Russia will only accept a complete surrender now, they have lost too many people to do otherwise. So again, thanks Boris Johnson for making this war continue for 2 years when it should have been over in 2 months. If Ukraine took the deal then, only the Crimea would have been lost (it was already lost in 2014). But no, they fight on so now Ukraine will lose much much more, the whole Eastern region basically. I can see Israel going the same way, with the "West" having no say in what comes after.
Still think blowing up Nord Stream was the point of no return in the downfall of US influence and prestige in the world. Genocide Joe has cemented that belief.

puff Level 8 Dec 17, 2023

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