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ICJ Rules Against Ukraine on Terrorism, MH17

In a blow to Ukraine, the World Court ruled Russia didn’t finance terrorism in Donbass and the court refused to blame Moscow for the downing of Flight MH17.

The World Court ruled on Wednesday that Russia did not finance terrorism in its defense of separatists in Ukraine and the court refused to find Russia guilty of downing Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 as Ukraine had asked.

The case was brought to the ICJ by Ukraine in 2017, three years after the U.S.-backed coup in Kiev overthrew the democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych.

When Russian speakers in Donbass rebelled against the unconstitutional change in government that they had voted for, the coup leaders in 2014 launched what it called an “anti-terrorist” military operation to put down the rebellion.


Seems the world courts are growing tired of being complacent in the genocide campaigns of western governments and the false narratives that come before them.

{The ruling is highly significant in undermining Kiev’s claim to be fighting a war against terrorists in Donbass, an essential part of the Ukraine’s and the West’s narrative in justifying its brutal operation that left more than 10,000 civilians dead.}

The actual death toll before Russia finally interacted with their invasion in Feb of 22, was closing in on 15,000 people. That's what's known of anyways. Mass graves are still being found throughout the Donbass regions. Which also include the inhumane actions of 8 years or longer in some cases of these people being forced into the basements of their homes or large structures to avoid death by various causes. Scavenging for food and water while often shot or shot at if they dared to come out to do so. Roads were littered with dead and shot up vehicles due to anyone attempting to try to get out for at least a couple of months.

The terrorism was that of the fascist using them as human shields while they dug in and attempting to starve them, the many who were interrogated, some to death, as the fascist seek information on any resistance fighters, including religious leaders, their valuables and homes stolen while the homes were often turned into military positions if they still remained standing. This war is not of the 2 years our media falsely narrates it at. It has been funded and supported for nearly 10 years now. Just as the falsely narrated Gaza war which has been basically going on for a century. Correction! Genocide campaigns!

The Dutch won't release their findings because they know it was the fascist that shot down that flight. Using an older Russian missile luncher they put out of service years before. Which the only version of was in the hands of Ukrainian positions close to that region as Robert Parry and The Mint Press News reported on. When a luncher was falsely reported as being mobilized, those attempting to chase it down were unable to track it down. It's very probable that it was a black ops event knowingly planned out before time. Robert Parry exposed the fraud by the picture that came out with the report. The picture was taken at an old Russian base during a weapons exhibit 2 years before the incident. All one really needs to understand, outside of the route claimed it to have taken, is who was leading the Dutch in their investigation. The Ukrainian SBU intelligence service.



On top of all this, if you have any doubt that the US and all the western intelligence agencies not having picked up this lunch and knowing exactly who did it, your head is in a big ole bucket of sand. They're monitoring the skies 24/7 and know everything that enters the air from anywhere. And they have rooms across the globe monitoring every piece of sky over every conflict they've started and about to start.

William_Mary 8 Feb 3
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Good, factual piece. Two things.

  1. Can't wait until a case is bought to the ICJ by Europe for Nord Stream
    2)Zelenskyy, many don't know that Russian is his first language, that he needed Ukraine language lessons, yet he is cleansing his country of anything Russian; art, language, traditions. The West has supported this by renaming certain Russian artists as Ukranian now. ( [] ). Zelenskyy also won his election in a landslide, on a promise of getting along with Russia. As soon as he was in power, he increased the shelling of the now disproved terrorists, who actually just never recognised the coup formed government as you say. Civil war.
    The Ukraine voting public were betrayed.

And all this because NATO just had to expand for no logical reason eg from a defensive alliance point of view, just looking at a map, it is beneficial to all if Ukraine stayed neutral by not joining any military alliances. They could have sought security guarantees instead and flourished as a crossover between two worlds, embracing both cultures.

Such a shame and why I hate NATO so much. That and destroying Libya.

puff Level 8 Feb 3, 2024

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