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War and Peace---A blend of intense battles and harmony in Donbass

"People have got to live. Many of them have nowhere to go. They have come to understand that. Most are already used to it. The place where we are now, this town, gets shelled all the time. Yet, everyone's out walking and living a peaceful life. I wondered about that too, that there's virtually no distinct line. The transition between war and peace is very smooth." This is how 'Kuzya', Communications Chief of 'The Veterans' Assault Brigade, describes contemporary life in Donetsk. For almost 10 years, civilians there have been enduring relentless shelling. Presently, fierce battles are being fought for their freedom. Just 10 minutes away from the city centre is the theatre of war with heavy pounding from the enemy’s FPVs, bomb-carrying drones and artillery fire. However, families chose to remain in their hometown. How do these people navigate life at the crossroads of war and peace? Why did they decide to stay?


The life in Donetsk. Donetsk has been one of the primary battle grounds since the illegal overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected government in 2014. War breaking out in April of that year as the Nazi fascist government waged war on their own who opposed their illegal rise to power with the help of especially the US, and European governments. Their other crimes, being primarily a Russian ethnic and speaking group of people, where religion, arts, and culture also plays other factors. The fascist that had Ukraine handed over to them have always viewed these people with the same sickening regards as Zionist view Palestinians. The very people who they glorify today in Ukraine from the WWll era committed genocidal crimes against the families in these regions and Poland. Just the same as Zionist have been doing during all the decades before and since. Two sides of a coin within a profoundly sickening ideology.

When you hear western medias refer to this war, it comes with a high measure of false narratives and context. There is no war in Ukraine. And actually, there are no real ethnic Ukrainians.

The war is being waged in Russian Federation territories. Five territories that have all voted overwhelmingly to rejoin the Russian Federation. Four of which went through 8 years of a hellish genocidal campaign while Ukrainian troops dug in and fortified for this war knowing it would eventually be Russia's only choice to save these people and keep the Ukraine army out of their country. Ukraine itself, outside of these regions, is rarely affected by the war. Precision strikes on military targets and weapons are the essential means of Russia west of these regions. When our medias claim Ukrainians are being killed, it's the people of these regions being killed. And it's mostly being done by Ukrainian troops shelling civilian targets in desperation or as they retreat. In this video you'll witness only military equipment and troops being targeted. While the Russians and volunteers speak of their defense and reasoning for the citizenship.

The Ukraine population is a makeup of surrounding countries throughout centuries. There is no pure Ukrainian ethnic people as they attempt to claim. If there ever was a pure Ukrainian tribe it is surely gone by now! Its "people" have been largely a minority in the regions for a large part of history with a tight relationship with mainly Poland. Poland, Russian, Hungary, other neighboring Slavic countries. Both are manufactured realities built by and from the people around it and geopolitical history of multiple factors and changes throughout the past centuries. Ukraine coming about just in the 20th century. Ukraine is a manufactured country of current western policies. Once given its freedom from Lenin after WWl. Until then the region was referred to as Galicia, as a part of Poland. Their language has gone through many changes from earlier centuries to more recently as Russian, which was being eradicated from their laws as a program of false indoctrination was being injected into the society leading to today. As it is explained in few of the RT documentaries. Ukrainians have a vast relationship with Russians both in ethnic and language makeup within the more recent time lines.

During the past couple years or so, Poland has been voicing that they wish to take back the regions of Galicia that was once theirs also. While Poland is playing their part in the wests war with Russia, they are also having their own dispute with Ukraine over the grain issues harming them and European farming industries. Reparations for the WWll war crimes against their society have also been voiced in recent years. However, Poland has been on the low with this due to pressure from European and US governments in fear of added stress in the region. Seriously though, Poland must face that Ukraine has no means to pay reparations. Such a matter would mean more money from western tax payers and world bank loans. Interesting it will be as two fascist governments may end up colliding with each other. Which side does NATO take in this case 🙂 While Russia gets a break and laughs at the mess they made for themselves. Fat chance Russia would come to save the west this time!

William_Mary 8 Apr 13
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