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Worse Than You Can Imagine

The author has no doubt the Western political elite are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood.

Governments cannot take big decisions extremely quickly except in the most extreme of circumstances.

There are mechanisms in all states that consider policy decisions, weigh them up, involve the various departments of the state whose activities are affected by that decision, and arrive at a conclusion, though not necessarily a good one.

The decision to stop aid funding to UNRWA, the specialized U.N. refugee agency for Palestinians, was not taken by numerous Western states in a single day.


One of the what should be a glaring statement for you that I make here from time to time is that they are playing chess while they have you thinking in terms of checkers. They are well planned and many moves ahead of where we're at, on every given aspect. And Murray exposes the notion of this and another claim I make from time to time. It isn't just about the US where I reside, but worldwide within the western conglomerate of compliant agendas. Who think the world is theirs to rule over and control. Where democracy, freedom, of any regard, sovereignty, right to life and peace is dammed, and will be attacked when you have something they want, or you challenge them and or their infractions. Be it a state or individual. Abroad or within their controlled regions. Anyone can become a victim even while following their laws and rules. In which they themselves break continuously all of on a daily basis. Authoritarian communism that we're forced to fund.

The past 22 years has been a slow process of them being exposed. The past 2 years has completely exposed them. Today, we have heroic students who are breaking the Vietnam syndrome back out and challenging the real axis of evil on this planet with it. If it was realistic in regards to folk lore, I hope Bush Sr. is burning and spends infinity smoldering in his grave! Kick that you fucking bastard murderer! And anyone who visits him burns with him.

I've been warning for years here with the help of WSWS that fascism was gaining ground worldwide again. Well, it's now challenging us all with the help of our western leaders. Fascism has taken hold of basically every aspect of our governance now.

Jill Stein should reach out to Joseph Kishore to be her VP.

{I have no doubt at all that the Western political elite, paid tools of the zionist machine, are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians and ethnic cleansing of Gaza at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood.

The refusal by Labour leader Keir Starmer and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to contemplate ending arms sales and military support to Israel is not due to inertia or concern for the arms industry. It is that they actively support the destruction of the Palestinians.}

Evidence is already out that the region has been on the market for months even before the attack. There's no turning back until the agenda is complete. And it leads back to the Trump administration. So the notion that Trump would bring an end to it is a facade. He sparked this as a president. Just as he sparked the Ukraine war up tick in Ukraine by continuing to support and fund it. Knowing Biden was involved in questionable acts since 2014 and allowed himself to be used to sweep those crimes into mass graves being developed in the Donbass regions during his presidency. The genocide has since moved into the West Bank. Next, Palestinian citizens in Israel will be next. They don't currently speak out as they watch Jewish citizens around them protesting, being arrested and having their free speech rights taken away. One little mishap and the Zionist citizens will invade their quaint communities and their expulsion begins early. Trapped between hell and death. And the Zionist will get away with it just like they do in the West Bank.

{The Western powers give not a fig for 16,000 massacred Palestinian infants. No evidence of mass graves in hospitals will move them. They knew genocide was happening and continued actively to arm and abet it.

This genocide is the desired goal of the West. No other explanation is remotely plausible.

I have never believed the spin that Joe Biden is trying to restrain Benjamin Netanyahu, while simultaneously arming and funding Netanyahu and using U.S. forces to fight alongside him.

Biden is making no effort to restrain Netanyahu. Biden fully supports the genocide.}

{If you believe all the spin from the White House about Biden trying to restrain Netanyahu, I suggest you look instead at the White House and State Department spokesmen refusing to accept any single instance of Israeli atrocity and deferring to Israel on every single crime.

[who are criminal war mongers from previous administrations]

I am currently in Pakistan, and I must say it has been a great refreshment to be in a country where everybody understands why ISIS, Al Nusra etc. never attacked Israeli interests, and sees precisely what Western governments are doing over Gaza. What is understood by developing nations is thankfully understood by Gen Z in the West as well.

The Arab regimes of the Gulf and Jordan are dependent upon Israeli and U.S. security services and surveillance for protection from their own people.

The lack of really massive street protest against their own regimes by Arab peoples is a direct testimony to the effectiveness of that vicious repression, particularly when states like Jordan actually fight alongside Israel against Iranian weapons.

The anti-Iranian card is of course the trick both Biden and Netanyahu have left to play. By promoting an escalation with Iran, Western politicians were able to default to a position of claiming the case for arming Israel was proven – and I think were genuinely perplexed to find the public did not buy it.

The political class, across the Western world and the Arab world, is utterly divorced from its people over Gaza.}

{We are seeing worldwide repression, as peaceful conferences are stormed by police in Germany, students are beaten by police on American campuses, and in the U.K. old white people like me suffer the kind of continual harassment long suffered by young Muslim men.

This is not the work of Netanyahu operating as a rogue. It is the result of the machinations of a professional political class across the Western world welded to zionism, with the supremacy of Israel as an article of fundamental belief.

Times are not this dark by accident. They were designed to be this dark.}

Under your checker board is an illusion. Under their chess board is a monstrous evil reality. Step out of the illusion. Or you will drag us all into the their hell with those who have previously fell victim to it in the past.

William_Mary 8 Apr 27
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