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The new law on mobilization: Is Ukraine turning into a giant prison?

This article was submitted to the World Socialist Web Site by Maxim Goldarb, a Ukrainian socialist who opposes the US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine. Goldarb is the head of the Union of Left Forces - For a New Socialism party, which has been banned by the Zelensky regime, and he is being persecuted by the NATO-backed Ukrainian government for his anti-war stance.

“The Ukrainian people are doing the dirty work of what we never wanted to do here in the United States.”

—Mark Esper, former US Secretary of Defense


Over the past 10 years I've been attempting to detail what the true atmosphere in Ukraine was turning to. Our medias weren't going to do it for us. Over the past 2 years I've been detailing what it is today as it has basically fallen into the perceived atmosphere that genuine critics predicted. It's a fascist authoritarian state. The only question left for now is how long is Russia going to allow it to remain. Kiev can be virtually turned into a state of rubble like Gaza or any other major city that the west has turned their sights on in the past 20 years within the middle east if Putin so chose to do so.

This article above is a prelude to what Biden's 10 year plan for Ukraine would entail for the Ukrainian society as becoming a constant body count for continuous warring with Russia in an effort to drain her like the Afghanistan war in the 80s.

Here are some other articles by Maxim Goldarb that expose what has been happening in Ukraine.


{One important point: while granting protection from mobilization to judges, investigators and prosecutors, the legislators somehow did not do the same for lawyers. Why? The answer is simple: the authorities do not need those who should and can protect people from arbitrariness; the authorities need the fear and helplessness of the people.}

William_Mary 8 May 4
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Nice that O'Biden has a 10 year plan for Ukraine. The last 10 years have worked so well. So much for supporting a nations sovereignty eg right to determine their own destiny.
Ukraine is the US's bitch but then again, the US is Israel's bitch so I guess it all works out.

puff Level 8 May 4, 2024

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