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New Lines Magazine purports to be an independent media organization. Yet it constantly attacks genuine alternative media who stray from Washington’s official foreign policy line, all while employing many spooks, spies and other figures at the heart of the national security state.

Worse still, its parent organization, the New Lines Institute, has recently admitted to being directly funded by the U.S. government. MintPress News takes a closer look at this shady organization acting as Washington’s attack dog.


Studying their output, it is clear that New Lines has two principal targets: nations the U.S. has deemed enemy states and alternative media outlets that question the narratives that New Lines and the U.S. government are trying to establish. Indeed, New Lines has spent years investigating alternative media, promoting a narrative that opposition to U.S. foreign policy equals being in the pay of official enemy countries.


With their quiet admission of U.S. government funding, New Lines joins an ever-growing list of organizations like Graphika and Bellingcat that present themselves as independent but are funded by the U.S. government. Former U.S. state and intelligence officials staff them and dutifully repeat U.S. government narratives and talking points.

{In other words. The print version of what we see on MSCM programs of these type of people. In which who I'll also add, work for the military industrial complex. None challenging open mic sessions of advocating for wars filled with false narratives and mis/disinformation. The blanks that alternative sources provide that challenge those narratives and mis/disinformation is what they want to keep you from discovering. You not even worthy to be allowed to consider them. Just be compliant. Or become a target.}

Through their reports and studies, groups like New Lines launder Washington’s narratives into the public domain, smuggled in under the guise of objectivity. Worse still, New Lines has been at the forefront of attacking and demonizing the few dissenting voices left in American society, their reports being used to further marginalize alternative media – the only place where serious domestic critique of U.S. foreign policy can occur. It is, therefore, doubly crucial that organizations like New Lines are understood for precisely what they are: the State Department’s attack dogs.


PROPORNOT was exposed long ago by Robert Parry of Consortium News, mentioned in the article, when they targeted his site. I seemingly can't stress enough how you're being targeted everyday with fake news. But it has been off the charts for over 2 years now since the Special Operations of Russia began, and now with the Gaza genocide. I shouldn't have to make this distinction either. History! The history's of both the Russian --- Ukraine matter and Israeli --- Palestine matter, are as profoundly flawed as the history of Columbus discovering America. Where the profound lacking of truth voids all the hideous crimes and genocidal structure that comes with a delusional delivered reality. It has been going on essentially for 5 decades now. One only has to work through the maze to see how blatant it is today. If you follow the snake, you'll remain trapped in a fake reality. You've been lied to enough now and should know whether you're following the snake. At the next double path, it's time to take the one the snake doesn't take. Where you'll find your mental freedom from the chaos. It isn't any greener, but at least you'll now know the truth behind the chaos.

William_Mary 8 May 12
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