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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,

because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.



Secretary of State Antony Blinken was caught dining at a pizzeria in Ukraine with ties to neo-Nazi groups in the country. Alex Rubinstein takes a look at some of the other Americans who have passed through this questionable establishment.

Have I got your attention yet? This shit isn't being made up. It's pure nonfiction. How much blatant evidence does it take to make people understand that we have a major fascistic problem within our political, judicial, and social structure, here and now in the 21st century!?!

If you're not disturbed, you're already dead. Ignorance is death.

William_Mary 8 May 19
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VE Day was rather quiet this year. D Day next month. Who were our youth sacrificing themselves to fight again? Oh yeah, Nazi Germany. Not all German were Nazi's. Not all Nazi's were German. All Nazi's were fascist.
Why were Nazi's so bad? Oh yeah, genocide. The rounding up and extermination of Roma's, disabled, Jews and others. The Holocaust.

Damn right people need to disturbed because those directing their destiny are.
Ukraine has fascists out in the open but Israel takes the cake. Both countries enabled by fascists in Washington.
The only difference between the Holocaust Nazi's inflicted on European Jews and what Zionist Israel is doing to Palestinians/ refugees is they don't have to round them up, because they already have. They also don't have to create cost effective means of extermination as that is all supplied for free.

puff Level 8 May 19, 2024

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