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Potatoes make a beautiful flowers but doesn't help with their production.

Ladydiana 7 July 17
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Those are great, and I saw and learned something new!


When to Harvest Potatoes
β€œNew potatoes,” which are potatoes that are purposefully harvested early for their smaller size and tender skin, will be ready for harvest 2 to 3 weeks after the plants stop flowering. ...
For mature potatoes, wait 2 to 3 weeks after the plant's foliage has died back.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 17, 2020

Late summer for us

@Ladydiana It depends how early you plant them and what variety of potato you planted. When we lived in Ecuador they harvested different types of potatoes at different times of the year, depending upon the elevation that they planted them at.

@Surfpirate I live in Canada so we plant in end of May and havest around early September πŸ™‚

@Ladydiana I live in Canada too, in the Thousand Islands region of Southeastern Ontario. I planted the first batch of potatoes in trenches with a heavy straw covering in late March and then a second batch in late April, just in the ground.

@Surfpirate I live Calgary alberta so our season is a bit off

@Ladydiana I used to live in Silver Springs NW back in the 80's - I never saw snow in July but I saw it in every other month besides July. I hear ya.


A lot of edible plants were first grown, at least in Europe, as flowers, such as French Climbing Beans for example. While potatoes were first introduced as a cure for the plague, (did not work).

Fernapple Level 9 July 17, 2020



Looks like a mini squash


Never saw a potato flower before, thanks!


I'm reminded by viewing these flowers how many standard crop plants come from the nightshade family of plants. Nightshade plants also include a number of poisonous varieties.

RussRAB Level 8 July 17, 2020

Eventually they make berries, that look exactly like small tomatoes or nightshade berries, both potatoes and toms do product the poisons though at quite a low level, don't eat the berries though.

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