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Why do my photos turn up sideways even though I take them the right way?

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Jolanta 9 July 17
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One theory is that if they are taken in Landscape mode they load that way. (ie when you tilt your camera or phone the long way to take a pic).

Folks who say they load them through a meme maker first are right - that will fix it by realigning it.
This is just one example of meme maker you can use: []

I thought this had been fixed - I'll note to administration that it's not - maybe they'll get to it in the next round of coding?

@Admin @developer @CS10 any chance of a fix? Thank you!

RavenCT Level 9 July 18, 2020

I tried to take it in either landscape or not and they seem to end up the wrong way anyway.


I have to run all my phone photos through a meme maker to align them correctly

Heidi68 Level 8 July 18, 2020

Try loading it on to a computer first, line it up there and then post it, may be the best way.

Fernapple Level 9 July 18, 2020

Some of them are from my ipad and they turn the wrong way, even though on the Ipad they are the right way.


I find that if I shoot with the phone horizontal it posts right, but when I shoot vertical it turns them horizontal. I think it only understands horizontal.

skado Level 9 July 17, 2020

The phone's round 'home' button is on the right side. This is the only way the iPhone knows how to take pictures without the rotation problem. (If the home button is on the left, the picture will be upside down. ... Unfortunately, if you hold it this way, the receiver of the picture will get it sideways.

Particularly if the receiver is Agdotcom. I don’t have that problem elsewhere.


I think the problem has to do with the apple phones if I remember right,

glennlab Level 10 July 17, 2020

nope I have Samsung and it does it on mine


Your questions has been asked a few times, and no one has a good answer, or I missed it. I have never had the problem, but I only access from my laptop computer. I think most of the picture issues are from using a phone or tablet. Hopefully others will chime in if they have a solution.

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