4 11

Definitely trying this!

bigpawbullets 9 Nov 2
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There is such a thing as the internet and you can find everything there.

Poor little guy was blasted! 😍

@Redheadedgammy I remember years ago (don't want to say how many) but my young daughter and I watched a film about drunken animals. We were both rolling on the floor. "Animals are Beautiful People: the trailer:

Just don't believe everything one finds on the internet as someone in the Executive Mansion does..

@Mooolah ?? What's not to believe?

I've often heard the saying " Pissed as a Parrot" which is a common saying around here someone is almost blind drunk but never heard of being as "Soused as Squirrel"....LOL.

@Redheadedgammy I'm waiting and hoping that my tree, commonly known in New Zealand as the Drunken Parrot Tree, flowers soon.
According to the Gardening Guide the nectar produce is so abundant that it actually ferments almost over night and the birds can't resist it, hence they get very drunk.
I reckon sitting on the veranda, sipping a coffee and watching drunken birds staggering around/TRYING to fly might a good source of a laugh or three.


They are funny as can be anyway. I cannot imagine how funny they would be drunk!🤣🤣

we shall see!!!

@bigpawbullets please be sure to post about them and pictures would be fantastic!😉


My goats loved fermented pumpkins. They would party up by tossing the pumpkins at each other while eating.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 2, 2020

If you're up for teaching them the wonders of alcohol, just speed up the process by adding a sprinkle of yeast. I do that in my compost to speed up the breakdown of sugars.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 2, 2020

Excellent idea Glenn!!

i obtained a huge barrel of chicken chit..which I added water... and I added my own scobbies... ( fermented tea) I've been using this f3ermented chicken poop in my garden as fertilizer.. the plants responded well.

@AmmaRE007 The are a lot more sugars and carbs that plants still have to break down farther in compost, the yeast makes it more available and speeds release of the nitrogen locked in ththat composted fertilizer

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