3 6

Manufacturing or installation or materials failure...
Or a combination of any or all the above.
I can't take it down for repairs right now as there is chirping coming from inside. It appears that even if the roof separates completely, the house & roof will remain secured in the tree.

bigpawbullets 9 May 7
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It may only be days to fledging, don't worry too much, and try to fix it between broods.

Fernapple Level 9 May 8, 2021

As long as those chirping sounds are not from starlings or euro trash house sparrows I would observe. There are worse cavity house in nature so I would wait the few days until fledged. If the sparrows are bald I would freeze the invaders. It is a painless death & the scourge of our American blue birds are these invasive species. Murderous & prolific. Just my input. Not an order., =0}

Mooolah Level 8 May 7, 2021

Aren't we then, by your definition, euro trash?

@bigpawbullets That is possible as we replaced the native species. However, America's eastern blue birds are in competition from invasive cavity nesters, ie euro house sparrows & starlings ( which we are permitted to capture & destroy per the feds) I can only intervene so much in thwarting invasive species of which we euros are of that ilk. But I am helpless to remove euro invaders of the human type which currently are the dominant, victorious creed. I can impact these invasive & brutal euro birds. The history of the introduction is an ode to human stupidity. Just as rabbits in Australia.


Hopefully the occupants will get through the season safely, and when they move on you can figure out the problems, fix it, and have a snug home for the next occupants. The joys of being the landlord.

Yeah. The "Landlord" activities weren't factored into this birdhouses endeavor. 😳

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