5 11

From 1999 to 2015 my organic veggies at Brook Glen Farm kept me healthy and happy. Those tall wooden triangles are my tomato cages.
The tax man took it all.

OldGoat43 9 May 21
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That was a beautiful view. I am sure you enjoyed every bit.
So sorry this happened to you. I wish there was some room for forgiveness during this situation. The gov gives so much room for so many people live off of the system and then situations like yours is down hard. 😒

Zoohome Level 8 May 22, 2021

Small rural counties love having wealthy families move in and pay higher taxes. Gentrification is what some call it, but the reality is that small farmers can't compete once the tax assessor gets a taste of the big bucks. The 35 acres that once took care of my hundreds of animals are now home to none. The residence is a country estate with the 190 year old farm house that I renovated.


This is horrible and so unjust, I am very sorry that you had to sustain this loss. Bad things happen to good people, further proof that there is no good and loving god.

Surfpirate Level 9 May 21, 2021

We are all under legal and moral obligation to pay our fair share as defined by law. That is what happens when we choose to not honor that obligation. I am sure that you do regret the results.

wordywalt Level 9 May 21, 2021

It seems that you failed to read the whole text. There was no choice made. That was my decision to not become homeless.

Self righteous, callous and insensitive statements like this just make me think that the Xstians don't have a monopoly on being really shitty, uncaring individuals.
Is it your intention to try and make the Xstians look good or are you a closet evangelical, deep down inside?

@OldGoat43 what "whole text"??? There is no link or anything other than 2 sentences & a pic.....

@AnneWimsey see his repy to @hippiechick58


How did the Tax Man take it?

The upstate NY county of Chenango had been invaded by residential buyers which raised my farm's 35 acre agricultural property tax from $949 per year to over $4000 per year. That last year my ex-wife had a bipolar manic episode when she took the tax money out of our bank account and spent it on antique furniture to sell at an imaginary shop she thought she owned. That was the end of my world as I knew it.

@OldGoat43 - What a tragedy. Both on the part of your tax bill and the loss of your money to pay it.

@RussRAB . Yes, After that I had a month to sell the animals and everything on the farm, find a new home on, gather my pets and move. The doctor's took my wife to a full care live-in home. I found a good low-priced home in Central PA and here I am now.

@OldGoat43 Wishing you all the best! Rebuilding time!

@MikeInBatonRouge . Thanks. I'm living in an old coal mining town in central PA and spending my time figuring out how to live on SS and eBay sales. One cat, Zippy, is watching over me. I trust him.


Beautiful. What could be more lovely than a plot lush with veg.

Fernapple Level 9 May 21, 2021
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