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I bought 4 tubers for water lillies, I only wanted the blue one, but they came in sets, 3 survived the Texas freeze last winter, a day blooming pink, a night blooming red (the double) and a night blooming yellow (not pictured). My passion vine normally starts blooming in April, this is the third bloom. My datura also got a late start, but she is catching up.

glennlab 10 July 12
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W9w! Who you gonna to use that datura on, btw?

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 13, 2021

Those are beautiful…especially the blue one.

KateOahu Level 8 July 13, 2021

All are beautiful Glenn. You certainly have a green thumb!!


Stunning blooms!

Spinliesel Level 9 July 13, 2021

Beautiful flowers

bobwjr Level 10 July 13, 2021

Beautiful blossoms, and I love the passion flower! I've only had one successful vine planted years ago, just very specific needs around here.

there are hundreds of varieties, and each one fits into a specific enviroment. My light blue one fruits here, but a hundred miles south it produces bushels of fruit. My purple one (pictured) is at the northern end of its range , has had one fruit in 12 years, but 200 miles south of here again the produce bushels of fruit.

The heat y'all are experiencing, I'm sure is going to do a lot of damage to plants that haven't seen it before.

@glennlab Yes, local nurseries are putting helpful guidelines on their websites, but it's an ongoing challenge. Interesting, how some flopped down flat right away, then recovered, and now others are fading after a week, even with extra watering.

@tinkercreek The kind of heat you have been having is probably as bad or worse than the awful freeze that we had in Feb. I keep saying I'm giving up, but I'm just getting better at selecting plants I can ignore and they will do fine.


Your water lilies are gorgeous as are your passion flower and Datura. I can't imagine how beautiful the blue lily would be.

RussRAB Level 8 July 13, 2021

Thanks, check over in photography for pictures of the red triple that just bloomed tonight. I've never had 3 blooms on one plant at the same time before, normally it is just one at a time.

I'm going on a new search, I just found out which colors survived.

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