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To anyone interested in trying to grow plants from cuttings, a cheapish, inexpensive way to enhance ones gardens btw, you need to get the cuttings wherever possible that are from last seasons growth, or the season prior to that.
Trim the end that will go into the potting mix at a 45 degree angle, then take a sharp pruning knife, or any sort of small knife, and gently shave off the outer layer of the end, score it in a few places with small, light downward cuts, then dip it into either homemade Root Stimulating Mixture or a Commercial Produced Rooting Hormone compound ( available on-line at approx. $5.00 for a 3 gram packet, you can get bigger sized packets also).
Once you have all your cuttings set in pots, gently water them then cover them using the plastic Drinks as I mentioned in my earlier posting, they make great personal hot-houses for young plants and cuttings, especial if planting cuttings in the cold months ( which IS the best time to both collect and plant out Rose cuttings.

Triphid 9 Aug 21
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Seems like you are describing hardwood cuttings, if the stems are to be from the prior season. I have done softwood cuttings for years, with mixed results, but never tried hardwood. The idea of the baby plantlet making it through changeable deep south winters seems puzzling and unnerving to me. So I am wondering what climate zone you are in. I am right between zones 8b and 9a. Climate change also seems to be making weather patterns less predictable, so I feel less confident than ever about success. Typically where I am at, mid-spring and mid-fall are the best times to root softwwod rose cuttings. Maybe I will eventually try hardwood cuttings.

Well, I'm in what is classed here as a Semi-arid inland region of Australia, average annual rainfall = 10 inches, no snowfall in winter but some heavy frosts.
Average Daytime high temps in summer anywhere between Mid 30's and and Mid 40's Celsius, Winter daytime temps between high teens and 1-5 degrees Celsius, night time temps between 4-5 degrees and -4-5 degrees Celsius.
That is one the reasons WHY I choose to utilise the plastic drink bottles as I do because the actually create a type of hot-house effect AND shelter the plants from the cold and frosts as well.

@Triphid ok, so hot and arid.
We are hot and very humid here. It is sauna-like this time of year.

@MikeInBatonRouge Well you hot and humid, we hot and dry, very hot and very dry.

@Triphid yes. Isn't that what I said?

I was just trying to mentally sort your likely environment in the context of those propagation instructions. Of course, cuttings drying out is the biggest obstacle to rooting success, followed by bacterial or fungal rot. Bit of a balancing act to avoid both, which is why it seems to work better in cool weather. The plastic bottle terrarium method has been a big boost for me the past few years. Still, I tend to have more st success for nddors under grow lights. Just more stable temperature.

@MikeInBatonRouge Well no matter what, it works for me, after all plants require a reasonable percentage REAL sunlight to live, survive and thrive do they not?


A great article! Thanks,.

Spinliesel Level 9 Aug 21, 2021

No probs, glad to share.

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