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I went out to lunch yesterday, with members of a group called The National Gardens Scheme, which we have in the UK. The members open their gardens for charities, mainly cancer care and medical charities. This was just a fun get together, but we were told that last month we raise one point three million pounds. ( Aprox 1.5 million US dollars. ) The hosts garden was great, as was the lunch, and a present was given to our retiring treasurer. Members watch the presentation.

Fernapple 9 July 9
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What a great charity. Do the gardeners charge a fee or does the organization simply ask for donations?

RussRAB Level 8 July 9, 2022

Each garden is free to charge what they think is fair. Obviously some gardens are small, and some are very big, so it is up to you what you think your garden is worth, and you can of course also sell refreshments and plants to raise extra money. Some of the members with larger gardens even have visiting nurseries and crafts people with stalls, like a mini market.


Does anyone grow cannabis as a health benefit?

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 9, 2022

I have no idea. I grow Eupatorium cannabinum, the Cannabis Leaved hemp Agriomony and people keep asking me for some. I have to explain that it is not cannabis, I don't know if they always believe me. LOL

@Fernapple A gorgeous plant! 😍

@Fernapple . Someday, when governments are populated with people of intelligence, it will be legal to grow it again.


Browsing whilst eating my Saturday meal & not putting my brain into gear I was about to ask "where are you" then the gear clicked "he's taking the photo you dumb bear!" 😁

But please refresh my memory as to what an English garden lunch consists off?

How many gardens are you talking about for £1½ million?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 9, 2022

lunch = Chicken, pork pie, sausage, haslet (Local meat loaf type. ) quish, salad, pickles, boiled potatoes, vegan meat loaf, boiled eggs, potato salad, various sweets, wine or elderflower presse, coffee. No idea the total number of gardens, but there are forty in our county, times fifty or so counties, though not all open in the same months.

@Fernapple that's a tidy lunch. Like the sound of elderflower but what is presse? What is quish?

Say 1000 open in the month for an average of £1300. Are they open more than one day in the month? Individually not a huge amount but very good per garden & as an organisation a very good contribution.

@FrayedBear I would say it is more like two thousand in a peak month like June, with some open more than once, say £500 to £600 each opening. Presse is just a posh word for juice, stupid name if you ask me, and I meant quiche, sorry.

@Fernapple no worries, no need for apology. Thanks for the laugh over the ponce's presse.

When my father retired he started making country wines (never having drunk more than a glass of cider at weekend dinner) & sadly for my father & I my mother loved the elderflower wine. I thought it tasted like cat's piss never having tasted cat's urine but my father & I thought the elderberry spectacular being like a reasonable ( level up on Yate's Winecellar's) port. So our elderflowers were never ever allowed to develop into berries again! A few years ago I discovered an English made cordial in the supermarket of elderflower. Intrigued I bought a bottle to try. I could not believe how much it tasted like my father's wine or how much I now enjoy it.

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