9 11

Well I"m finally finish planting, and I got a nice rain today, which is just what the garden needed. So now just got to finish making a bunch more tomato cages and some stakes for the pepper plants. so this is like stage 2.

kenriley 8 June 9
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That is a excellent garden.


Wow what an amazing garden. Wish I had land to do that!!!

LorraineF Level 4 June 10, 2018

Do you grow tobacco too?

@kenriley You have an area that is covered in white visqueen. What is growing under it?

@kenriley I grew corn here in Chattanooga for two years. I had to put wire cages over my seeds because the squirrels and chipmunks would eat the seed. Once they grew ears, the crows would eat it. I've given up on corn until I can get my (small) garden covered in a cage.


That garden makes mine look miniature! LOL

@kenriley LOL!


That's impressive. That's a huge area. It must have been tiring work.


that is a huge garden!

btroje Level 9 June 9, 2018

How do you deal with water erosion? Looks like you're on a slope?? I use cover crops.

@kenriley When I was a cotton farmer, I used furrow dikes and cover crops. I had a lot of sloping ground.

@farmboy2017 are furrow dikes like plowing in a contour to slow water flow?

@kenriley like mini berms or dykes?

@btroje The dikes are like dams perpendicular to the direction of the furrow, regardless of the furrow's direction/slope.


In Florida, my tomato plants have played out already, and I'm getting ready to plant a summer crop of white acre peas. Had 11 weeks of awesome black heirloom tomatoes.

wordywalt Level 9 June 9, 2018

@kenriley You can have some great gardens in all zones. Years ago, I enjoyed gardening in Illinois and Kansas.


That's a big plot. How do you prepare? Rotovator, spade or tractor?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 9, 2018

@kenriley Luxury lad luxury. In our day father drove us out with the horse whip to dig, hoe, rake and sow using pick, shovel, spade, adze bladed pick, axe, flat hoe, fork, and hands. And in our bare feet as all the leather went to make the whips used on our backs!
Luxury pure luxury , tractors, rotovators, laser levels, whackers, ...exits stage right shaking head and mumbling into shirt .

@kenriley ?

@kenriley My friend who died a few years ago aged 87 had to be up at 5am to harness the team of shire horses when he was about 7 or 8. They were not only the power of farming rou round here but also valuable breeding stock for some farmers.

@kenriley ??????? Good job that you have a big nose and plough shaped knees.

@kenriley Cool down, it's a joke about how a 4 foot person gets through 5 foot snow drifts. Go and have a sherbert and visualise how an elephant crosses a river 2 feet deeper than itself. I believe that it swims but if it hasn't learnt?
And as for being a dick I can't help it - thats the shape of my head. Do you have an excuse?

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