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My pond, I'll get a better picture soon but I cropped tools and weed debris to make it more picturesque. It's roughly heart shaped, ten feet around and four deep, bisected by a foot bridge. Those are feeder goldfish purchased about a year ago and now three to four inches. The plants were a gift and I don't know what they are. I've had goldfish get up to eight inches or so until a heron takes notice and cleans them out.

Buttercup 8 June 23
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I'm putting in a pondless waterfall soon. Unfortunately, my daughter and her husband are terrified that a pond, even a 2 foot deep one, will life threatening. Any recommendations you might have based on your experience would be appreciated.

Small kids or something?


Little happy fishies! Fish are our friends 🙂 can you put a screen or chicken wire over the pond to keep the herons out?

I've been trying to get some scrap gillnet from a local fisherman, I think if it tangles in their feet they'll stay away. I think if it's completely full it's too deep to wade.


I had a great blue heron punch a hole right through the thin pond liner I had on one of my first pond projects, I couldn't understand why I kept losing water until I was watching him early one morning, came out and checked after he flew off and sure enough there was a puncture hole where he had speared the fish. I found numerous holes when I drained the pond completely to patch the hole.

Surfpirate Level 9 June 23, 2018

Beautiful1 At least the Heron's will prevent having to deal with this scenario ?

MikeEC Level 7 June 23, 2018

That’s really nice.

Donto101 Level 7 June 23, 2018

Nice! Mine is a lot smaller, and some of my fish are 12 years old!

mjbirder Level 4 June 23, 2018


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