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Chipmunk warning?
Ok, I'm not really in tune with nature. I've been ranting about the !*^÷! Chipmunks digging up my bulb beds. This is the first year I've seen this behavior. It's also the first year we've had any Japanese Beetles infest our yard since we innoculated the place 7 years ago with Milky Spore Powder. The light bulb clicked on this morning when I observed a Munk digging furiously, and then munching on a white grub. I went out, dug up an area of that bulb patch.... bulbs re-arranged, no grubs. So the Munks are actually telling me that it's Milky Spore time again.
Or..... is this Peruvian Caco/Coffee blend I'm drinking making me crazier than usual?
What say Agnostic Gardners??

bigpawbullets 9 June 30
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Munks do more collateral damage than they're worth. They dig up bulbs whether they can eat them or not.
I have to place river rock over my potted Callas and other Aroids.
It's utilitarian as hell looking, but it does the trick.

Leafhead Level 8 July 1, 2018

I place rocks over my bulbs that they can't move. My hyacinths!!! Planted some in construction cloth cages. I collect the beetles for the chickens. I don't permit them to free roam. Get a chicken? Your lovely wife will fall in love. Free eggs. & you can murder the bird for dinner. Feathers for decoration. Poop for great compost or fertilizer. But you know this farm boy. =0}

Mooolah Level 8 June 30, 2018

I don't know about munks, but moles eat the Japanese Beetle grubs.
Plus I have seen Purple Finches eating the adults.
They're not bulletproof either.
Shout out to the Home Team!

Leafhead Level 8 June 30, 2018

more about varmints eating bulbs: you could plant them in hardware cloth cages

btroje Level 9 June 30, 2018
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