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Debated on which group this picture should be in, gardening, photography or pet pictures. Not sure what kind of beetle it is but they get prolific this time of year. They are such pretty colors and their underside is marvelously iridescent. So is their "face".
Unfortunately, they often dive bomb the house and fall into my water collection buckets. I rescue some but for some it is too late.

This one was in the birdbath, I took him out but he was stiff. I decided I wanted to take a picture of him anyway so I put him on the edge of the sink as it was late and I wanted sun to take the picture. He laid there, on his back with his feet in the air and the next day I went to get him, he was gone. First thought was the cat got him then I glanced in the sink. There he was, walking around in the sink, looking for the way out.

He latched right onto my fingers so I took him out to get a couple pictures then set free. Got this shot and then saw how luminous his face was, went for a picture head on, as he reached his front legs out toward the camera. Just then, he realized he was fine, popped his wings out and flew away. So, this is all I got.

DotLewis 7 July 21
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Green june bug

Mooolah Level 8 July 21, 2018

Nice! You might also want to show off your find on Critter Corner. There is someone called Insectra who can provide an ID for your little "monster".
I can tell you it is in the Scarabeidae Family of Beetles, but do not know the Latin genus/species name

Leafhead Level 8 July 21, 2018

I never saw green ones before. Hmm. The brown ones we have here in Louisiana are horribly destructive toward my roses. They come out at night to do all the damage they can get away with. Very clumsy bugs; they will fly straight into you if you are in their path. I knock them into cans full of water to drown them. Spraying is pointless, as They still chew up a lot of stems and leaves before They spray gets to them, and they are simply replaced by more flying into the yard. Plus, bug spray is not so good for the environment. They are NOT a gardener's friend, though I must admit that green ones are a lot prettier than the brown ones. Thankfully they are only here part of May and into June, and then they are gone, to be replaced by caterpillars and grasshoppers in summer. At least we don't have Japenese Beetles here. You can have those! They are a plague against roses and some other plants.


I never thought I would say this to anyone but what a beautiful irridescent bug we have really ugly bugs here except for ladybirds but havent seen one of them this year either.

jacpod Level 8 July 21, 2018

All three groups. 😉

Really pretty.

Looks a little like a Japanese beetle but I don't think that's it. And if I read down it's a June bug!

RavenCT Level 9 July 21, 2018

I hate these things, The grubs destroy my lawn and get in my potted plants and eat the roots of my Plumerias and other plants causing them a lot of harm. In the grub stage, they have killed several Plumerias that I was trying to root. They are evil. I kill as many of them that I can every year. And they will return to the same spot year after year to start the destruction all over.

CaroleKay Level 8 July 21, 2018

June bugs and Japanese beetles are closely related enough that their life cycles and destructive behaviors are almost identical. Here in central Illinois, the "plain brown wrapper" June bug is more common. In the past, the larval grubs have done major damage to my lawn, but the June bugs do almost no damage to my plants and flowers.

I do not know of any way to deal with the grubs other than chemicals such as Grub-X, but the bugs can be controlled by more natural methods. Here is a link to a website that has recommendations for trapping Japanese beetles:


Another recommendation for controlling them is having predators in your yard. No joke, maybe the reason I do not see many June bugs or Japanese beetles is because there are toads in my yard. I've had to save toads from my vigilant yard-guard doggie, but enough are able to survive that they perform the needed function of controlling this type of bug. Here is a link to a website:


Toads are a perfect solution. Not only are they hard workers but they are also so darn cute!


Cool! The brown June Bugs are they only ones I knew were called that, although I can certainly see the similarity between the two.


Looks like he is missing a few legs on the left.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 21, 2018

Just angle I think. He seemed to have most of his legs, was able to cling tenaciously to my fingers, gripping on both sides.


They are pretty but apparently suicidal. I haven't a clue what they are called but I bet the internet does.

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