5 8

Stores have just received the bulbs for the year, so bought a bunch . Cleared the first of my window boxes , added about 1/4 compost , mixed thoroughly , and began layering in the bulbs , when I noticed , at least one of the packages said to plant between Oct and Dec . So their plan is to buy in Jan and hold them until October ? Added a gallon of water . Hope some of them make it .

Cast1es 9 Jan 10
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Since you’re in Texas and you plant them outside so they get a cool period, you should be OK.

ADKSparky Level 8 Jan 11, 2019

Bulbs will usually grow regardless of the time you plant them within reason, the flowering season may be a bit out of time, and they may struggle for a year or two. But in real teams your one month difference is trivial for bulb and seed sowing times and should not have much effect at all, variations in weather from one year to another could have a greater effect than that. Don't worry as long as your window boxes do not freeze solid they will be fine.

Fernapple Level 9 Jan 11, 2019

I hope so too, what did you plant?

CaroleKay Level 8 Jan 11, 2019

I think the stores release all the bulbs at the same time, regardless of planting time, because they are dormant all at the same time. The Oct. bulbs may just sit there until they are ready. That's what they would do normally.


If it was a good store I'd have asked a knowledgeable clerk. Because that is fairly odd?

I remember my parents pulling up bulbs to replant in the Spring? But that was in New England. I can't imagine selling bulbs that far in advance.

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 11, 2019

Some of the stores in the south are run by out of region buyers, that order stock without regard to the best time to actually plant. I would like to think I am a knowledgeable plant and I have gotten so frustrated when bulbs with a 45 day chilling requirement don't arrive until too late to refrigerate, much less plant on time. They can be used for forcing once, then composting.

@glennlab Wow? I had no idea.

I remember ordering from catalogs and buying from local stores like Aubuchon back in the day.
If they had done that they'd have lost their customer base.

@RavenCT The problem in the Houston/Dallas markets was the huge number of northern immigrants that did not understand that just because it grew in Michigan, didn't mean it would grow in Texas, so stores would stock when the demand came in even if it was the wrong time of the year. Daffodils and Tulips need to go into the refrigerator 45 days prior to planting in early December Mine are already coming up where I forgot to dump the planter. They won't bloom this year, but they need to fully sprout so I can compost them properly.

@glennlab Depending on the bulb, refrigeration now will probably get you the blooms for March/April. So good advice!


what kind of bulbs?

glennlab Level 10 Jan 11, 2019
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