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Any suggestions on a humane way of keeping cats out of flower beds? I'm tired of them using the beds as a litter box.

mikebeed 7 Jan 16
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A grid of electrified wires placed a few inches above the soil works very well, a few shocks and the cats will cease to be a problem. Make sure you use a proper fence charger as you don't want to do them any great harm only train them.


I was thinking this year , I may tuck chicken wire over my flower boxes , as I get them planted . At least one of my cats , dug up my asparagras , and used the earthy hole for napping .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 16, 2019

Get a big dog that don’t like cats

Donto101 Level 7 Jan 16, 2019

Well, then you have the doggie poop.

I think the requst was for a "humane" method, lol. I hace known dogs to tear cats to pieces. Not good.

@MikeInBatonRouge ok let’s change that. Get a dog that loves cats. I have 2 dogs that loves cats. All they want to do is play with them. But the cats always run from them.


My garden is too large to do anything but let them use it for a litter box. I've tried all the methods and they all work but they also take something away from the garden. Scaring the cat out of your garden may help if the cat respects you. The cats stay out of our gardens that are mulched with pea stone.

flower_nut Level 7 Jan 16, 2019

I use rocks


In the UK you can get an animal spray one brand name of which is "Scoot", it does not have a smell to humans but I have found it works well not only for cats but rabbits too. I should think that you can get something like it in the US too.

Fernapple Level 9 Jan 16, 2019

So far Moth balls have helped me with this problem. I rake back the mulch a little then sprinkle the moth balls all around then rake the mulch back over. When the cats come they smell the moth balls and don't dig in my beds now.

That is what I heard works.

@Heidi68 It seems the cats in my neighborhood hate them. They go next door to my neighbor that I don't care for....LOL

@Redheadedgammy bonus!
I only have my barn cat, she doesn't bother my plants and the neighborhood wild cats (I think they use the woods) so I don't have to worry about my flower beds.

@Heidi68 Lucky you. Here where I live the houses are pretty close together and for some reason a lot of people just let their cats roam all over. I love all animals but gotta tell ya, I get pretty tired of all the cats fighting with one another and killing the birds I feed at my bird feeders!!!

@Redheadedgammy I live in the country and my 1 neighbor seems to collect cats.... I think there are 4 males- 2 of which thought they should 'discuss' who was boss on my back step last night..... not pleased.... I usually only see them passing through and they really don't bother my bird feeders. Now my barn kitty (Kitkat) let's just say we have had a couple of discussions about the little birdies. ? I am not sure she listens. ???

@Heidi68 It is in their nature to go after the birds, so I try to do as much as I can to keep them out of my yard. I so enjoy the birds and watching them. I wish I lived in the Country!! My youngest son is looking into buying some land where both of us can build a place to live. I hope it's within the next year so I can sell my home and start a new beginning.

I wondered about moth balls.

@mikebeed they work for me..

@Nightshade1313 I've been using them for years, my plants don't suffer and it keeps the cats from pooping and peeing in my flower beds. Guess the cats know they are toxic and they stay away. Much nicer than smelling cat piss when I open my front door.

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