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Awaiting flooring installers today. It's sunny, not too cold, and I've started wondering about my back yard. Has anyone here ever taken a suburban back yard, and done this kind of thing? We reside in zone 6 - 7 and I'd want to use indigenous plants.

bigpawbullets 9 Feb 26
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Every place I've lived at my whole back yard was food for me, the birds and the bees. Fruit trees, Berries , Perenials, herbs and wildflowers


Yes, but it takes some time and a lot of work. Once all that is done, it's suppose to be low maintenance.


I just don't have enough room to do too much, just veggies and some berries.

EricJones Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

We are doing it on 2.2 acres. But have a lot of friends doing it In their backyard. Here is a guy on YouTube that I watch who is doing in he’s suburban backyard.

Donto101 Level 7 Feb 26, 2019

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@bigpawbullets try now


As you make your conversion, the hardest thing will be to rip out a plant that is not performing its intended purpose as well as it should and replacing it with something new. Once you can get to that stage, you should be able to accomplish your goal.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 26, 2019

Yeah. Killing plants is hard.

@bigpawbullets This winter I took out two fruit trees that were huge disappointments, they were just not profucing after several years and were not the best for my spot. It was a major procrastination problem (5 years of "let's just see if it does OK this year" ) for me.

I'm in good company then. We inherited 4 apple trees on this property the builder put on the old farm treeline. Maybe, 2 hours a day of sun. Never have they produced an apple. But the squirrels like to build nests in them. For 13 years I've told myself to simply cut them down. Still there.

@bigpawbullets Apple makes a good smoking wood, motivation. When cotton root rot got my apples, I cut down them down and made smoking wood out of them.

Well, I don't smoke meat or fish. But that's an excellent suggestion. I'll eventually cut them down, and dry the wood for projects. It actually makes a very durable turned fishing lure body.

@bigpawbullets For me, it depends on which ones.


Its been done yes, but I would not restrict yourself to indigenous plants, most food plants cause little environmental damage if grown on a small scale, and that cat is out of the bag anyway. And since you will be growing mainly food plants, which means a narrower range of plants anyway, the local wildlife will probably benefit from a bit more diversity, even if it is artificial.

Fernapple Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

I took it to mean all other plants should be indigenous. Won't have very many veggies otherwise.


I have a veggie garden.. And I love it.. It's very cost effective and the veggies taste so much better

We grow some vegetables.
And lots of strawberries.
This food forest thing is more like returning the land to a semi natural habitat and growing native foods and plants for other uses. I think the neighbors might freak. But then, they're used to the "strange old couple" at the end of the cul-de-sac. 😉

@MissKathleen my gardener...

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