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Buffalo’s first, code approved grass parking lot at Five Points Bakery is one year old today.
It can absorb 3” of rainfall keeping water out of our storm sewers.
It reduces heat island effect, provides habitat for insects, helps mitigate global warming by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, looks nicer for our neighbors, its cheaper than concrete, stronger than asphalt, and so much more.
We are so happy and thankful to be able to keep pioneering in Buffalo.

Hathacat 9 July 13
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Parking on hard putting greens good job Erie County


Love it! I often think about why we can't make our infrastructures more environmentally friendly and paving is seems to be an obvious place to start. Great for the parking lot. I'm sure we can do better with our streets and start using more porous materials.

The trick is how the grass will survive winter ice road oils road salts snow removal equipment until late April when the last LAKE EFFECT SNOWS blow in from Ontario or Erie.....and it can occasionally snow late September....nonetheless even if it needs re -seeding streets won't flood from this parkinglot

@GreenAtheist I think the key is to make the surface such that it won't freeze. Maybe sometimes the snow needs to be removed , but not at ground zero.

@itsmedammit we taxpayers heated the parking ramp concrete @Veterans hospital in Syracuse NY let civilians park there nights of games under the dome.....but assholes complained saltySNOW was dripping on their pretty cars so hundreds of thousands of bucks were diverted from our vet medicine to a frigid drip free 8 story ramp

@GreenAtheist What a bunch of dummies.


What is the grid made out of?

Heidi68 Level 8 July 13, 2019

I copied and pasted everything that was there. I would think steel? It would have to be really strong.


I've seen cement grids in the south that lets water to drain through and lets grass grow . That looks more effective . I'd like to see more info on that .

Besalbub Level 8 July 13, 2019

Really cool! I was wondering what grass would stand up the best, but then I noticed the grid there to prevent soil compaction. Great idea! 🤗


outstanding idea.Will spread the word

lookinhard Level 7 July 13, 2019
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