4 7

Over the last three years, white, wild roses have grown up on my property . Last year I ignored them, thinkng I must have planted them. No. This year, there are at least six good size bushes. They have small white flowers that do not last long and spread all over the yeard.
I jusat destroyed one of them, the one that was growing over the sinkhole ( an old, unused dry well under the back porch window.) I fell into it and had a few moments of panic.
Panic is always good for me. It overcomes the pain and disability and makes me rush off to get the Japanese pruning saw and the long rubber gloves. So, that bush is history. Only six or 7 more.
All the other roses are blooming or setting rose hips.
Happy gardening. Stay furious, friends!

Spinliesel 9 July 25
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I think I had some of those at my last house. No idea where they came from. They were quite fragrant.


You need goats! They LOVE roses!

Carin Level 8 July 25, 2019

Yes, I do. unfortunately, there is a local ordinance saying that I have to have 6 acres to hold farm animals. The man I spoke to about renting some goats to me won't do it, having had bad experiences with renting out his animals. So chop. chop it is.

@Spinliesel just get a "dog" that looks suspiciously like a goat, give him dark glasses and a hat to hide the horns, and name him "Rover." 😁

@MikeInBatonRouge Yes, our minds are on the same wavelength. I was thinking of getting two sheep and trimming them to look like Bedlington Terriers.


I understand wild roses have stronger roots than domesticated ones . I understand you can start new bushes , by dipping a cutting in honey , then sticking the honey coated stem in a potato . If you have a favorite domesticated rose , you could use your wild rose roots , and graft domesticated roses of your choice onto them for healthy , productive new bushes .

Cast1es Level 9 July 25, 2019

Grafting!! i DID NOT THINK OF IT. thanks for the tip.


Glad you are ok!

Hathacat Level 9 July 25, 2019
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