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So what have you enjoyed this past week that you harvested, from your garden or picked elsewhere? For most of us, this will be things that were canned, frozen, dried, preserved in some way. For the rest of you make us jealous with what is available to you right now. We picked and froze 14 qts of blueberries, mostly for pancakes and muffins, and are already 2/3 through them. We had friends over for pizza, and there was frozen sauce for that from our garden. Thanksgiving involved green beans frozen from the garden that were disappointing--will be investigating whether that was a chef error or something else. And I just finished my supply of herb cubes--I finely chop a mix of herbs--rosemary, basil, chives and oregano--and stuff them into ice cube trays, cover with olive oil and freeze--these have been fun and useful. So, tell us tales of food from the last week or two that have come from your own garden or that you have picked.

DavidDuhon 7 Dec 8
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Ate the last tomato the day after thanksgiving, had a bunch that were picked green before first freeze and ripened indoors. Last week had some roasted butternut squash that I grew. Picked the last of the kale last week, still have some of it to eat fresh. Had chokecherry syrup I made on a waffle and some chokecherry jelly on toast. Two weeks ago finished off the faux strawberry jam I made with part of the green tomatoes. Overall, a fair bit of eats from the "garden".

DotLewis Level 7 Dec 9, 2019

My peppers are still going gang busters, moved my Thai peppers and one from seeds that @zoohome gave me. I made a hot sauce with the Thai peppers, pequin peppers and vinegar. The one from seed, I use in cooking very mild and flavorful.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 8, 2019

Leeks and parsnips. The leeks just simply boiled, I do not cut all the green away because I like the flavour, and tomorrow I may do a savory parsnip crumble.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 8, 2019

Froze a bumper crop of Rhubarb and are starting to make cobblers and syrups.

Also, got 25 lbs of blueberries from a local U-pick and use some every day.


Our harvest season (except for evergreen trimmings for my planters) was over almost 2 months ago. I Do love seasons, can't wait to get out there in the Spring, soooo done in the Fall!


Oranges . And I've shared freshed plucked oranges with eveyone who comes by .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 8, 2019

I have a few green tomatoes that finally ripened and some small but intense garlic, there is a foot of snow on the garden at the moment.

@DavidDuhon If they freeze then they are for the compost bin, they like a cool, dark place to slowly ripen in, some people wrap them in newspaper and put them in the cellar for a while but you have to constantly check on them or you open up the newspaper to rotting tomatoes.

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