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Having had a mild spell this January, and with a cold snap on the way. I thought that I would make a collection of all the winter flowers in the garden, before they get hammered. Viburnum, Hellebore green, Hellebore hybrid, Snowdrop, Hamamelis and Pulmonaria, quite a list for January.

Fernapple 9 Jan 28
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Nice! What can you tell us about Hellebore? I just planted a hundred seed last spring, because individual plants here are so expensive. About 50 or so sprouts have survived so far but are still quite small. I would not be surprised if it takes another 2 years to get blooms. No wonder they are so expensive! But they seem to be getting more popular anyway. Slow but maybe low-fuss? What's your experience with them?

They are very easy to grow, and do not even need the regular division that a lot of books recommend. They do self sow in the garden a little, but they cross very easily so that the seedlings hardly ever come true, which is perhaps the other reason that they are expensive from seed. I do not tidy up the old leaves until late spring at least, to help keep the plants vigour, but sometimes you have to snip a few away to stop them spoiling the flowers.

Where you are I think that they will need summer shade to do best. Don't be impatient with the flowers , they last for months and gradually lift their heads, (which hang to start with,) as the spring moves on. Sometimes you can get some really interesting things among the seedlings.

@Fernapple thnx. Where I have them they will receive between 1 and 2 hours direct sun in summer. Planning on interplanting some Columbine and summer annuals like impatiens.

@MikeInBatonRouge Sounds good to me.


And they make a lovely bouquet .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 28, 2020

Mainly just done, because it was warmer than trying to photograph them outside.


That looks very nice.. I love nature

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