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How do you handle garden pests? In Alaska some garden pests weigh 1,200 lbs and can clean out your garden in 30 minutes, usually while you are asleep... this is an example of overnight moose damage. My solution was to build wire cages over my garden beds and it has worked very well. Much less expensive than a sturdy 8 foot high garden fence...

FrostyJim 8 Feb 28
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Your post's question in the first sentence had me thinking of snails, grasshoppers, and stinkbugs. Lol
Still, regardless of size, I completely agree with physical barriers rather than chemical poisons, especially since I have learned to care about the pollinators.


Necessity is the mother of invention. I like what appears to be hinges on the wire overings so you can access the garden. Very clever.

RussRAB Level 8 Feb 28, 2020

Beautiful gardens and work!


I'm impressed with your industriousness.


A mate who grows commercialy organic vegetables has a similar problem with kangaroos. Unfortunately he doesn't believe in killing.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 28, 2020

I imagine you could plant an "exterior" garden with extra broccoli seeds? They seem to grow well. Smart move on the fence-like covering!

And what's your take on climate change? I understand that Alaska has shown a significant warming trend. Meanwhile down here in Florida, it's another day in the 40º -50º range! Very unusually cool for us.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 28, 2020

Last summer was the hottest I can remember since moving up here in 1991 and I almost lost the tomatoes inside my greenhouse due to high heat. I had to cut the side wall plastic for cooling. 85-90 degrees outside = 115-120 inside the greenhouse! It was the best year for outside green beans!

I tried shading the roof but ended up cutting out the side windows...

@FrostyJim Looks like a lot of work...and it looks like you're using recycled/old/used once before wood!! Kudos!


Well done - very neat garden .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 28, 2020
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Posted by FernappleThe pond and stone bridge are lush with growth now.

Posted by FernappleIts foxglove (Digitalis ) time.

Posted by JolantaEarthworms are amazing workers.

Posted by JolantaLadybirds, the gardeners friend.

Posted by JolantaLacewings are useful in the garden.

Posted by you Sow, So Shall you Reap

Posted by FrostyJimSurprise! Alaska has farm country too.

Posted by FrostyJimSurprise! Alaska has farm country too.

Posted by JolantaHappy hormones.

Posted by FernappleThe little woodland garden, is a symphony of blue, purple and white now. Hyacinth, Honesty, and Ornithogalum.

Posted by KateOahuThis morning I went to a class for making a terrarium with native plants at the Waikiki Community Center, which is about three blocks from where I live.

Posted by FrostyJimToo cold to plant outside for another month here in Wasilla Alaska.

Posted by FrostyJimToo cold to plant outside for another month here in Wasilla Alaska.

Posted by JolantaUnusual fungi.

Posted by FernappleI am trying to grow some extra salad crops this year in the new greenhouse.

Posted by JolantaBugg life.

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