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My loquat tree surpassed itself this year. Not just is loaded with fruits, but it is the sweetest I have tried since aquiring it.
As most of us, i have too much time in my hands and now fruits. So I googled several recipes using loquat.
Yesterday I baked a cake - very yummy. Today I have 3 more recipes lined up for the test.
Yeah, I know; I'm working on fattening myself while stuck at home. 😂😂😋

Zoohome 8 Mar 24
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I'm envious. I recently moved to north central Florida and have just planted some loquats - never heard of them before moving here - and now just have to wait a few years.

Ah, they start fruting pretty quick. Don't worry, when you least expect you will have fruits on it


I guess I'm not as creative. Loquat jam is all that came to mind.

RussRAB Level 8 Mar 24, 2020

But jam uses a lot of them. Good and easier way to utilize the fruit fast.
I'm gonna make some too. I have too many on my hand


I'm sure you've already thought of this; but you could "juice" them.

Puree a bunch and cook down in to a jam or jelly.

"can" (or 'jar" ) as many as you can. This could be a money-maker for you if you have a local small grocery store.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 24, 2020

True. I think I'll end up making jelly/jam since I have so much still hanging on the tree


I can't wait for mine to finally get ripe. It is not nearly as loaded as yours, but it is it's first year to fruit. Dallas is probably at least a month behind Lake City for spring. Stay safe.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 24, 2020

This is the first year I have ever seen this loaded. I have not noticed anybody else's tree around here as loaded as mine.


I case you were wondering.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 24, 2020
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