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I would like to welcome all the new members to the group. We are really starting to grow here we have members all over the world. I would like to take this op to start a introduction thread let’s everyone introduce ourselves and let everyone know a little about what we are growing or projects we are working on. I’ll start mine in the comments.

Donto101 7 Apr 8
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Enjoy being online again!

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Hey I’m Scotto. I live on eleven, mostly wooded, acres just in the edge of Tennessee, near Huntsville, Alabama. I usually grow peas, beans, onions, squash, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, okra, and a few flowers. My sugar snaps are up now, but nothing else planted yet.

skado Level 9 Apr 17, 2018

Hi fellow gardeners, I live in So Cal in a microclimate that rarely ever freezes. Organic food seems abundant here so I usually only grow my own tomatoes and basil. Since we have been in a six-year drought, with only a little relief last year I had to switch a lot of my high water landscape and potted plants to drought-tolerant plants. I enjoy landscape design as a hobby and grow some tropicals and lots of succulents.

CaroleKay Level 8 Apr 14, 2018

I guess no-one is in my climate zone or into tropicals or succulents? I tried to start my own group, for hot climate gardens, but no-one on the site was in a hot climate or into succulents, lol!


HI there, I have always been into flowers but don't do much for gardening when it comes to food plants. I have tried and failed each time. But my flowers do well for some reason so I stick with what I know. I am in the process of looking for a good tiller. I plan to do some flower circles about 6 ft around. Any suggestions on what type of tiller I should get?

If you are going to till a lot get a rear tine tiller. They are easy to use front tines are cheaper but will work you to death if you have to do a lot. They kick around and want to run off with you. Takes both hands and a lot of strength. Most Rear times you can run with one hand.

@Donto101 any particular brand/model or type? So a rear tine is what they are called? I am a newbie here when it comes to these things.

@mistymoon77 here is a link to a review of tillers I want the south land one my self. []

@Donto101 so which one would be good if one is on a bit of a tight budget. I don't have like $500 for a tiller.

@mistymoon77 unfortunately that is the best one for the price you will pay almost that for a front time tiller that is decent

@mistymoon77 You should probably do but I will probably end up doing and buy a used one. Because I’m in the same boat that you are. I don’t have an extra $600 laying around for a tiller

@Donto101 so what you are saying is look for a rear tine tiller that is used?

@mistymoon77 yes exactly lol


Prairie restoration involves fire. December & March are the burn season. Oak Savannah involves fire also. It keeps the trees in check as a prairie with out fire or mowing is short lived. So with fire one gets woodland flowers & a festival of color in the summer & autumn prairie. Put up the third bat house & build a wood duck house. Clean the bluebird houses & relocate spiders to the outdoors. It's not work. It's SPRING! Yay! =0}

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

My name is John and I joined not too long ago. I am an avid butterfly gardener. I also raise and release Monarchs and Swallowtails from stock in my garden. I also grow and give away as much Milkweed and other pollinators friendly plants as possible in my small setup. I try to have two to three giveaways a season.
I have long been a skeptic, but it wasn't until about three years ago that I made the final step to being atheist. I simply accepted that our "souls" are NOT immortal.

Leafhead Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

Still not gardening weather. i drove home from east to west of the NY State thruway and encountered four or five differernt weather systems😕unny and calm, snow storm and icy wind, cold and foggy and snow on the ground and the Mohawk river frozen in parts and running swiftly ten miles doen the road. I'll just garden vicariously through all your posts.

So what is all this nonsense about global warming? 🙂

@PappyOnWings Global warming is about climate. Weather is about weather. I recommend google.

@Spinliesel sorry, it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.☺️☺️


I'm Mark. I have 96 acres in Texas. Most in an environmental conservation easement; it's a restored short grass prairie. I have about 10,000 square feet of garden spaces that I can plant a farmer's market crop in. I'm building a tiny house on the site and hope to live there once again after having been in town since 1993.


Hello, I'm Paula. I'm a suburbanite in the cold frozen plains states. We heard a rumor that it was spring, and then we got snow again so we're figuring that was a lie. A damn lie! Any way when spring finally finds us I have two 4x4 raised beds and a deck with lots of pots. I love fresh tomatoes and experiment with other crops from time to time. I grew lots of basil last year and put up lots of pesto sauce. I work full time +, inside my house doesn't get much light, and have young cats. Not many plants indoors. I also have a compost bin and a worm box. It is about time to put in fresh bedding for the worms and dig the castings into the garden.


This is my assistant cactus gardener. He is excited about his job :-}

MikeEC Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Gives a new meaning to the word 'prick'. Sorry. I had to go there. Maybe I'll grow up some day. I love the planter!!

No dick pics

@Countrywoman Schwarzenator voice: "I am NOT a dick pic!"

I am the prick planted by Peggy Piper.



HA! I get it… The gardeners are "really starting to grow." It is still freezing here in central Illinois and our growing season does not start until May 1. I have several flats of perennials, annuals, and milkweed for the monarch butterflies that should be ready by May 1.

In the meantime, attached is a photo of my indoor "cactus garden." These are the smaller ones hogging most of the actual daylight that we get into the house during the winter. Once I move them to the outdoor cactus garden, I will send an update. It may sound strange never having lived west of the Mississippi, but I've always been fascinated by cactus. I did get to visit the Sequoia National Park once, which was fabulous!. Does anyone else have a "thing for cactus?"

MikeEC Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

I have been thinking about growing some edible cactus. There are some that will grow here in Florida that have that you can eat the fruit or the cactus itself.

Hi, I have a thing for cactus and succulents. More succulents really since I can do an outdoor garden have dogs and don't care for the large pokey plants. I am fortunate enough to live in Southern California, in a nice little microclimate where it rarely ever freezes. I will introduce my succulent gardens later, but wanted to say welcome! I am new here as well. You have a lovely collection, considering your challenges.

They are fascinating! My green thumb has become a thing so I may attempt them again...

@Caroleanne Thanks for the compliment. I do have a few succulents, but they look nothing like those beautiful ones in the pictures you posted!

@Donto101 prickly pears should do well. They are evil (ouch!) and somewhat invasive. My friends tell me they taste like green beans when pick very young.

Thank you Pappy!

Great cactus garden. I just lost my barrel cactus that I bought at the Sonora Desert Museum 35 years ago. Painful. Prickly Pear is edible. Not the spines of course. The fruit as well. Ate a lot of it in Mexico. Native American food. Serve on rice, with beans. Pickled. The fruit reminds me of Kiwi.

They do very well here. Neighbour across the road has several magnificent 30 foot high specimens that flower for a couple of days December / January at the time of the full moon. Teamed with some smaller cacti and some roses she has a very neat and tidy garden needing little maintenance - the ground is covered with several inches of white pebbles.


I am Tricia. Projects? Hmm....looking for a really good partner is turning into quite the project! I am into health, yoga, puzzles, reading, inappropriate humor, and baking sourdough bread. I am new to this site and happy to have found you all.

Hi Tricia! Welcome to the site and to this group. What type of gardening do you like to do?

From looking at your comment, I am hoping that you will be a contributor to the CHEESY JOKES group as well as this one.


Yes we are growing that's for sure. BTW we have another post with member names but maybe Paul can merge his original list with this one. I'm Lisa, single, living again and trying to spring clean too -declutter.


Hi everyone. I’m Donto. I have 2.2 acres in central Florida just about an hour north of Tampa. My land is prone to some flooding so I’m working on ways of building it up and putting in so drainage ponds to control it. My mainly want to do a food forest. So far I have bananas, pineapples, peaches, mangoes, strawberries, some nut trees, and a few other fruits and herbs growing. We also have chickens and buck in a pen that will become a garden once we get another built so we can rotate them.

Donto101 Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Hello all! I am working on establishing a pollinator friendly perennial garden space. I am north america zone 4/5. The bulbs are starting to peak up but the weather needs to warm a bit more before they can pop!

Donna_I Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

Hi Donna! I am in central Illinois, a little south of you in zone 5 pretty close to zone 6. Since you are interested in having a pollinator-friendly perennial garden, maybe you would like to also join the "Monarchs and Other Pollinators" group. The majority of the group members have never attempted to actively raise Monarchs. Helping the monarch butterfly recover from its threatened species designation is a goal of the group.

Plant natives & they will come. MILKWEED! Yay! Joe Pye weed, sunflowers. Asters.

@Countrywoman just need to find a way to discourage the rabbits eating them all... 😟


I'm Kristy. My current project is spring cleaning if it ever gets here!

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