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So, here is the Southwest we get blazing heat and too much direct sunlight --if that's possible!-- As a result, smart gardening includes putting screens over your gardens so that the plants can get filtered sunlight and some direct sunlight but not get burnt. Generally, we put up the screens by Memorial Day and take them down around the Fall Equinox. I'm doing mine differently this year. First, I pounded T-post fence posts around my raised bed, then I dropped pre-drilled pvc pipes over the posts. After the storms pass this week (today through Thursday) I will tie the screens off about 7 feet up the poles. The screens are 8'x15' so it will take two for each of the 8'x32' raised beds. The screens I have are just like tarps but nylon screens that allow for diffused light.

SkotlandSkye 8 May 14
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That is a decent sized project you have going, I am jealous.

Rugglesby Level 8 May 14, 2018

and these are just the raised beds 🙂 I also have ground level gardens and container gardening galore. I do all my own canning, freezing, dehydrating and I donate to shelters. 🙂

@SkotlandSkye Wow, was just saying to a friend this morning, I have to preserve more, I dry and freeze, but need to add some other options. Friends get heaps, and the rest goes to our local food bank. Wish more people would grow food.

@SkotlandSkye That's impressive! 😀


Are you using a special 'shade cloth'? I've been tempted to try it on some crops that are more cool season varieties that I never seem to get planted early.

yes, that's what I have. The ones I purchased are 8'x15' and resemble black tarps but are made from woven polyethylene fabric that is a "screen". I'll post pics when I get them up next weekend 🙂


Cool. I mean cooler.


Living in the Midwest, we don't have that problem, but it sure seems like you have designed an excellent way to deal with it. Please let us know how it works out

MikeEC Level 7 May 14, 2018

Just curious , sounds like the screens , being the same size as the beds , will only protect the whole beds , when the sun is directly over head . I think you'd have better protection , if you also added the netting over the walkways between the beds , as well .

Cast1es Level 9 May 14, 2018

I actually want them to have direct sunlight in the morning when the sun is at an angle and again in the evening when the sun is setting. My raised beds are orientated east to west for that specific purpose. ?☀️

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