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What the ____

AravindAjith 6 Aug 8
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Wasn't always like that...

scurry Level 9 Aug 10, 2020

Hey, welcome to the beach! Everyone having a good time?

Ahkmed: Love to feel the sun on my skin! Hey honey, don't you love the sun? Honey?
Honey: yes, praise be to al.....(passed out)


The US government did that to them by usurping legitimately elected secular governments and replacing them with dictatorships...

I'm not sure if all the historic details, but that sounds about right.

@scurry In 1958 the CIA displaced the legally elected secular government of Iran. The operation was rejected by the president but they did it anyway because Iran was going to nationalize the oil industry.
Same thing happened all over the Middle East including the most repressive government in the region the Saudis who were pt in power by both American and British intelligence services. All to protect oil company interests and all it did was create terrorist networks and constant warfare in the region which ended with those big corporations losing control anyway and higher gas prices because the dictators raised the prices higher than the governments they deposed would have... It was a lose lose situation...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz like I mentioned... Sounds about right.


been a few burk-inis at my beach in recent years . Guys always in a regular trunks and her wrapped head to toe in black. Its their life but smacks of sexism to me


She was allowed outside of the house, that's freedom, right?

HannaYou Level 6 Aug 8, 2020

No shit, horrible for women

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 8, 2020

I've seen women swimming in those things.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 8, 2020

Some day the women of islam, catholicism, orthodox judaism, and evangelicalism will rise up and free themselves from the bounds of religion.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 8, 2020



To the credit of Islam it shows that men can't control their sexual drives and it's up to women...On the down side a virgin woman is rare in the mid-east - any girl who show any sign of woman-hood is impregnated.


Yeah right.. That's backwards

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