6 16

Great way of putting this

OldMetalHead 9 Apr 9
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Brilliant post. Great analogy. Btw, I have theorized for years that the reason humans came to believe there was such thing as a dragon in the first place is that they found the fossilized skull of a t-rex and not knowing yet what dinosaurs were, they had to fill in the blanks. Voila - dragons!


That's not fair, dragons are awesome. Nobody has ever killed anyone in the name of dragons.

Kynlei Level 8 Apr 10, 2021

There are roughly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars out there, with who knows how many planets orbiting them. It's much more likely that a dragon-like creature exists on one of those planets than it is that God and his son Jesus exist as they are depicted in the Bible.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 9, 2021

well wadr Yah does not claim to "exist" in the Bible, not anywhere, as addressed in the "I AM" passages.
"Wind" was used as a metaphor at the time, which we now know what the wind is made of, and what causes it, but you can still extrapolate if you want to get the point

and fwiw Jesus (Joshua) was the most common male name then, and Nazareth was not even inhabited 1st century AD, which might make a quite good argument for "Jesus of Nazareth" being a great rabbi-speak way of saying "John Doe, from Nowhere"


Imagine how ignorant and banal the average person is and then realize that half of the population is more ignorant and banal than that. 😉 It's all about being very, very, very selective about who you associate with and exercising a lot of restraint so you don't beat the rest within an inch of their lives with a rubber hose. 😀

why are we so forgiving of little kids screwing up, but so mean to adult kids doing the same?

@bbyrd009 While I am all for nurturing one's inner child, at a certain point in being an adult it is expected that a person should be able to distinguish the difference between sheep shit and wild honey. I see far too many 'adults' wandering around with a glazed look in their eyes and sheep shit dribbling down their chin.
I do my best to like humans but they are a nasty brood for the most part in my experience. Check out Mark Twain if you need confirmation on this point.

@Surfpirate ah well i def don't mean to disagree there, but i suggest that being nasty back at them will just reinforce the behavior


The latest dragon myth that people believe in is having Donald Trump make a come-back, with his friends at Qanon.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 9, 2021

A good analogy.

for a gnostic anyway, sure, but note the convenient phrasing, "...doesn't believe in dragons," rather than the more truthful and succinct "believes there are no dragons" (thus removing the "believing in" concept entirely, as well) since atheists are def believers, only in diff things, at least generally speaking?

i notice atheists avoiding this like the plague, but obv in order to even say "i don't believe in ____," one must have some contrary "belief," right

@bbyrd009 and then there are Agamids:



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