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BeeHappy 9 Apr 4
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So much information is out there...proving we are stupid.


As a teacher of science for 45 have no idea how disillusioned I am about the inept science skills and knowledge of the average American. I feel like a major failure in that regard...

I wouldn't take it personally. You're one person. You can hardly be responsible for the deficiency in the general population

@BeeHappy I'm not depressed about it...It's just that I can almost name the kids who grew up to be Trump supporters. and/or anti-science/flat-earther/chemtrail hoax believers.

@Robecology Because their home environment and peers have more of their time, they have a greater influence on their thinking and beliefs. You might be surprised, you might have planted a seed that will take hold at another time. ?

@BeeHappy Indeed. I know that I only had them for an hour...and I do get random thanks on FB from different students...I know I swayed a few....that's the up side to why I stayed with it for 45 years!

@Robecology Good on you!! 🙂


Before Facebook we all assumed a lot of things that turned out not to be true! 😟

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 4, 2019

When I was taking college level c++ was my first introduction to people who insisted if I didn't personally see the eon long changes to the planet and evolution, it couldn't have happened. Hi, I'm 80 million years old . . . .


"Assume" makes an ass out of u and me. 😛

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