I think the author forgot to mention that the imaginary author lives in Biloxi.
Sounds like the opening lines of an autobiography of a slob living in his Moms basement.
And yet when I comment all men are pigs i get reported to administration . Go figure!
You're not allowed to state an opinion?
@dartagnan6666 apparently not, I was reported for it. Apparently you could only shit all over a person if they're female.
@dartagnan6666 and @Kojaksmom
"feminism is cancer" is just as extreme, hostile, sick, and wrong, as "all men are pigs".
Whoever seriously thinks and says that is suffering some seriously mental issues.
I think the meme is posted to point out the absurdity of the comment, not its' wisdom or truth.
I am a feminist heterosexual.
I feel sorry and sad for the men who think his way, and the women who think your way.
Let's work together - not respond to hostility with hostility.
@Robecology so what is the point of the meme? The meme is a statement. The actual intent of the meme is questionable.
@Kojaksmom I agree; it's not clear from the OP if he's being sarcastic or is seriously saying this...
But my point is that there's people in the world who still think like this....and I'm afraid that number is resurging....after years of equality growing...there seems to be a successful conservative backlash...look at all the states tightening on abortion.
My point is also that we can't counter hate with hate.
I don't respect the fear of feminism any more than I respect the anti-men-in-general slams...
There's many of us men who have been quietly feminist for decades...and it hurts to see both sides raising their ugly heads.
I suggest you PM the OP and ask him his interpretation of it...and if he truly supports the "fear of feminism" that you ask him to take it down?
@dartagnan6666 I think my point is there are hundreds and hundreds of sexually demeaning memes, not much is said about it because if you don't like it just keep scrolling. But when a female become sexually demeaning to a male all of a sudden everybody takes notice
His Mountain Dew, vaping, and taquitos will kill him LONG before feminism ever will.
To which I say, GOOD!!!!!
Here, here... less of that attitude and lack of self care
Vaping is harmless and will not lead to his death.
Depends on what he's vaping.
@Theresa_N Yeah. They used to say the same things about cigarette smoking.
You have NO idea what chemicals they're putting in any part of those things.
The companies that manufacture them are under investigation for targeting children.
They're just trying to replace dead cigarette smokers with live YOUNG vapers.
Don't be naive. Go do the research.
People are already being harmed by them.
They have batteries that will start fires. And sometimes, blow up in people's faces.
It's NOT a reasonable substitute for cigarettes. They put nicotine in the liquid, too.
Seriously, do the research.
They ARE harmful.
You know what? Do whatever you want. Just DON'T spread lies to others.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
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Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.