So if Trump dies what problems are solved? Pence would carry on Trump's policies. If you don't like Trump, then vote for someone else in 2020.
Ohhhh I plan on it
You folks are disgusting ass liberals who are prone to violence. I'm not a Trump supporter but I'd never wish death on anyone. I never even wished it Bin Laden or Hussein. I wanted them to stand trial and be convicted and face their crimes they were guilty of, and if death were the sentence, so be it. I can't stand those who wish death on another just because of a difference of political ideology. In fact, I'll bet y'all can't even be friends with folks who have a different political opinion than you do. This is sick and disgusting of you folks. I'm neither liberal nor conservative. I share ideolgies of both sides and some that neither share. I am my own person. I'm not offended by this, I'm disgusted. Besides, you know the evil we have in White House, whose to say it'll get any better with his successor. Be careful what you wish for and think before you react, sometimes, it just looks plain stupid.
Liberals are prone to violence? Just liberals? That's not really true or accurate... Maybe the specific individuals who replied in such a way to this post... But not all...
@Cutiebeauty I specifically pointed my fingers at those individuals who commented on this post. Not liberals as a whole. Don't try to make this something it isn't.
@VIKingsCFH yes, that's what I said... I'm agreeing with you here...
@Cutiebeauty I see that, I apologize, I read the first two sentences and didn't finish. Story of my life...
@VIKingsCFH You know, it's not liberals or whatever you call the non-liberals who are prone to violence. It's human beings. And another thing, not all voters who are disgusted by donald trump are liberals, I think they are just decent American human beings who cannot understand why other Americans think that being painted by the trump brush is a good thing for America. 2 people responded to a MEME and you went ballistic. Perhaps you are not as open-minded as you think you are.
@VIKingsCFH no problem.. I do that sometimes... Apology accepted
@SiouxcitySue if you had read, it was pointed directly at those who commented on this post who wanted him to die.
@VIKingsCFH I read your comment "disgusting ass liberals prone to violence." I was commenting on that phrase. If you had read and comprehended what I said, it was in relation to you stereotyping people and your extreme reaction. Agreement #2, Don't take anything personally.
I have NO problem wishing death on anyone. If that bothers you, too bad. I wish it on both 45 and Pence daily. Oh, and McConnell, too.
It's my right to do that.
Btw, not a liberal, not a democrat, not on the left either.
Just think there are too many stupid people on this rock, and thinning the herd is always welcome. I can wish whatever I please.
It's so funny to me when someone gets all up in their feelings like you did.
Humans are just as violent and uncivilized as any other animal. We just like to pretend we're better.
@KKGator I prefer to let natural selection take its course as opposed to wishing it on anyone, those folks have families just like you and I. If you choose to be a heartless son of bitch, that's your right. I expressed my opinion, you expressed yours and that's that.
@VIKingsCFH Yeah, not giving a shit about 45 or Pence's families. They can go, too.
Wishing it doesn't interfere with natural selection, either.
Oh, and it's "heartless bitch", thank you.
@Captnron59 I didn’t know that
@Captnron59 woo hoo! I’m going to
@Captnron59 pretty grainy and I didn’t know she had a penis
@Captnron59 yah. I was just being a smartass
Trump is too old to cheat on Melania the way JFK cheated on Jackie O, otherwise he probably would.
He did cheat on her in 2006...I can't imagine why he would stop...except that now he is too public
@thinktwice He is too old to have Fiddle and Faddle like JFK did.
@BD66 lol and he definitely does not have the looks of FJK...
@thinktwice Kennedy never lived to be 73, otherwise we would have different perception of his looks. Same thing with my late wife who passed away at 36.
@BD66 I think he still would be a vibrant old man...I know many men over 70 that are still very active...
@thinktwice Kennedy was a very sick man when he was elected President in 1960. The "Vibrant Young President" was a hoax:
I knew he had addisons...and the side effect of the treatment might have explained his high sex drive...
In reality, I guess he might not have lived long at all...although, treatment has improved cat had Addsion's...
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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