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Just saying...

Freefromgod 7 June 18
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Blame statan or say "it's the will of god"; either way it's passing the buck because you can't be responsible for your own actions.

EricJones Level 8 June 18, 2019

Flip Wilson was a hoot! 🤣


That is one thing I have always done. I am where I am because of my choices good and bad.

Sticks48 Level 9 June 18, 2019

And some luck from time to time, but mostly what you said.

@morlll And the luck has gone both ways.

I don't know about that! In the bell curve of luck, I'm way to the left! Like the tune from Hee Haw, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all! Wuh wuh wuh!


Appropriate since it seems there sure are a lot of scapegoats lately....

thinktwice Level 8 June 18, 2019

Of course! As the word god is not present in the Constitution of the United States, I'm wondering if the concept of personal responsibility is present anywhere in the bible.

@altschmerz So are they fans of saying you made the mess, clean it up?

@altschmerz I read 1986 in 1960 so I've forgotten many of the details. But when I (Google) researched personal responsibility references in the bible, in 100+ listed references, the human's responsibility was about Sin. Sin, of course, was not defined so I guess it can be broadly - very broadly - interpreted. I personally do not care for the bible, thin plot, shallow characterizations, too many platitudes (I guess the origin of platitudes). My thoughts all bubbled up because of the caption in the meme. It's been 60 years since I paid any attention to what the churches are saying but I know that I was never educated about personal responsibility at church.

@altschmerz All of that sends the message that you aren't good enough and that no matter what your feelings, they are not valid when compared to gods word. I heard all that as a child and it took a long time, maybe 20 years for me to learn that everything about me is valid and worthy. If I wanted to make my mark, or be seen as a productive member of society it was up to me to Take Responsibility For It. So I did, and in the doing became my own person. I like her and spend a lot of quality time with her.

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