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Apartment living

Captnron59 9 Aug 2
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I had those same neighbors once!


Yeah I've experienced that with a 1,000 pound upstairs neighbor. Made me crazy.

Duchess Level 7 Aug 2, 2019

They're the only things the elephants can dance in.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 2, 2019

I lived on the second floor of an apartment for 4 years and the people below us were WAY louder than we ever were. The couple that lived there when we moved in fought A LOT and it got heated. When they moved out a guy and his dog moved in. He worked all day and the dog barked all day. Then another couple moved in. The front door was spring-loaded to close automatically. I swear they must have opened it all the way every time they went in or out and just let it go. WHAM!

Kynlei Level 8 Aug 2, 2019

Worn by five year olds after their Uncle Warthog fed them sugar coated doughnuts washed down with Cuban espresso made by his friend, Traveling Robert.

Robert has a you tube video of how he makes his espresso (he calls it Cuban coffee) but I'm not in the mood to hunt it down. Dam kids ate all my doughnuts.


I concur; I found a short video of them...



Yup or banging around all night

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 2, 2019

...and always at 5 am...

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