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No words needed meme 😂

ballou 8 Aug 27
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Got to season that kid properly before you cook her....


I had an urgent need to take a whiz half way through chopping up the peppers. Made a run for it. It was so urgent I forgot to wash my hands.

Petunia laughed her butt off once she found out why I was screaming and holding my wang of wonder.

*wang of wonder! lol

@balou I tend to wax poetic on certain subjects.


I just picked all my picquen and Thai peppers today, my eye itched and without thinking I rubbed it, I feel for the little girl, but she probably deserved it.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 28, 2019

I'll give you a REASON to cry!


C'mere honey, let mommy make it all better! Oops, my bad!


Yikes poor kid

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 27, 2019

Had a can of bear spray explode in the car once - It was over two weeks before I could put my contact lenses in without burning my eyes😳

Haemish1 Level 8 Aug 27, 2019

I work in a recycling sorting plant and one day, there was a leaking bear spray cannister that came up on a conveyor. We had to evacuate the staff for half an hour to vent off the stuff.

Good thing no one came into contact with it - it’s nasty stuff!



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