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Hunting season is upon us.

glennlab 10 Nov 12
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Hound, going to town .

GEGR Level 7 Nov 13, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Nov 12, 2019

Wow, some serious replies... Venison! Woohoo... Just kidding, never had venison...


Macho jerk has high powered rifle with scope mounted. Deer had antlers. Nice fair bout asshole.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 12, 2019

I feel sorry for the deer. 😟

The deer is dead, dude. The next step will be ripping it's hide off. Compared to that rape is nothing.

@WonderWartHog99 It's not about the doggy rape. It's about a person killing a fellow animal. Why can't we be kind to others? Let them live.

@BestWithoutGods That "fellow animal" gets in my garden and eats my dinner. He ought to be shot.

Here's the real story:

When European settlers showed up, they killed anything that would kill their cattle. In the process, they killed the wolves that kept the deer population in check. Without the wolves and without the hunters, the deer overpopulate until they eat all the food in the woods and begin to starve to death.

When the Florida lifted the restrictions on deer hunting in the Everglades, a mass deer starvation was underway.

What you want to kill the deer: slow death by starvation or hunters?

Disclaimer: I don't have a gun and I don't go hunting. I'm a rotten shot.

@WonderWartHog99 If deer are getting into your garden, that's not a good excuse to shoot them. Rather, put up a fence around that garden -- a high enough fence that they can't jump over it, and tight enough that they can't crawl under it.

In some places, HUMAN animals are starving to death. Should we shoot them? No! That would be murder. The merciful thing would be to take them food. Why not do the same with starving deer? That deer are starving is a poor excuse for killing them. People need to stop their bloodlust and become more merciful.

I am happy to hear that you don't hunt. Thank you. 🙂

I understand that I am a minority. Most people seem to have no problem with killing animals and eating them. As for me, I am a vegetarian. I have mercy for my fellow animals. I do not usually make a bid deal out of it. I'm just expressing my opinion. May we just agree to disagree agreeably?

@BestWithoutGods >Rather, put up a fence around that garden -- a high enough fence that they can't jump over it, and tight enough that they can't crawl under it.

You don't seem to know much about deer. People who raise them as pets have to have 12 foot high fence because they can clear an six foot fence. This is why nobody has deer as pets or as an alternative to live stock. Building that tall of a fence is impractical for the home gardener.

The more humane alternative is a motion activated impulse sprinkler. Once Bambi gets hit by a blast of water, he runs away. That also means anything coming close to those sprinklers will be hit by a blast of water, including the UPS guy. Did you really want your mail?

>In some places, HUMAN animals are starving to death. Should we shoot them? No! That would be murder.

Unlike deer, you can't eat humans without coming down with the human equivalent of mad cow disease. That and deer never file law suits.

>The merciful thing would be to take them food. Why not do the same with starving deer?

Because deer can't apply for food stamps (aka SNAP). If we fed them all, the herd would continue to get larger with more of them leaping in front of cars on the highway. If you hit a deer with your car at +40 mph either you or car will be trashed. Sometimes both.

If, like me, you live near any kind of wilderness on the rural highways you'll see signs with the image of a leaping deer. That means the second you see a deer running across the roadway, slam on the brakes before the rest of the herd comings running after him.

Sometimes I wonder if they're trying to commit mass suicide.

>I am happy to hear that you don't hunt. Thank you.

That's only because I'm a bad shot. I have tried to kill more than my fair share of smaller animals such as squirrels and game birds only to come home empty handed. Deer hunting takes special tracking skills and climbing a deer stand located on a likely tree in the dark. These special skills are passed down to a rather select group of hunters.

However, don't think I miss the venison. I grow sage which deer hunters use to make venison sausage. We trade sage for meat.

>May we just agree to disagree agreeably?

Of course. I believe everyone is entitled to a wrong opinion including me.

@WonderWartHog99 Good. Your sprinkler solution is better than a 12 foot fence. 🙂

@BestWithoutGods The sprinkler system may hose down the gardener as well.

@WonderWartHog99 Surely there's a way for a human to turn off the system.

@BestWithoutGods Humans can turn forgetful, especially the recently retired who now have time for gardening.

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