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Eager beaver's hilarious miscue

Rossy92 8 Apr 22
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I am way over educated now.

Eirteacher Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

I'm getting an education in realizing that secular persons are not necessarily the liberal, worldly sophisticates I would have thought.


& you tell him that in bed?!?!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 22, 2018

Perhaps she's led a sheltered life? Or maybe she just wanted to fuck with the poor guy? I don't think I knew the term before the 2000's. I doubt my mom knows what it means now.

I have no idea what that one means - but I bet it's filthy!

@RavenCT Not when it's done!

@RavenCT I could use a Gene Wilder meme right now: You somehow managed to be the first one to like this post. So tell me more about how you are innocent of any carnal knowledge of the act in question?

@RavenCT I don't know either.

@Rossy92 I knew it was filthy - just not HOW it was filthy. 😉

@Rossy92, @BeeHappy I now know and now I plan to forget!

@BeeHappy Surely you jest?

@Rossy92 I think I have an idea... yeah sad, right? Lol

@RavenCT 😛

@RavenCT 😟

@RavenCT Thanks, I see no reason I needed to know this. Shiver.... lol

@BeeHappy Me either? Shared horror and all that.

@BeeHappy @RavenCT I must admit that the definition in the link provided, which I have only just now read, was so extreme that I'm beginning to wonder if I fully understand the term. That said, I would have expected a reaction more along the lines of indifference from a crowd I would have believed to be more liberal (I know that's a generalization). However, given the definition provided, and perhaps generational considerations, it is to your credit that you can still joke about it🙂

@Rossy92 Had to deal with E Coli in a lab setting in college. Just sayin'. rofl

@Rossy92 Need some bleach for your eyes now?

@RavenCT Not at all. Trying to put it delicately, I knew the act could encompass the most extreme aspects of the description (insertion), and I feel indifference about that. However the description seemed to imply that insertion was the essential element of the definition, as opposed to limiting the act to exterior parts.


@Rossy92 I believe I can speak for myself and @RavenCT (girl if I'm wrong correct me) but we are anything but prudes. Perhaps it's a generational thing. New terms and slang that somehow we just missed. And we must like a good joke otherwise there are many things that could have offended us in this group, prior to this meme and we are still here. LOL

@RavenCT Yep! LOL

@BeeHappy Taught peer to peer Sex (KNOWLEDGE) to fellow college students - not a prude.

@BeeHappy Now simmer down...I pretty much echoed all you just said. What's really funny is that until now all of my past meme posts have concerned the topic of religion/atheism despite me noticing that most posts in this group are not on those topics. And then the first time I diverge from my usual, look what happens. And do you know how many salad tossing memes are out there? A lot! I think just for the kick of it, I'll make one of those my next post as well.

@Rossy92 Well now that we all know what it means? 😉

We would not torture you if we didn't appreciate you. I hope you know that.

@RavenCT We have once more bitten from the tree of knowledge and become ever further banished from our childlike state of blissful ignorance for all eternity. Let us enjoy our new lives, free from being uptight prudes (just kidding), as we embark on humanity's expedition into the deep void, with knowledge equal to that of only the most experienced porn stars.

@RavenCT It's all good.

@Rossy92 I'm not upset in the least. No need to simmer down. I'm cool. Lol ? Bring it on Rossy! ?

@Rossy92 Like the "Garden" meme except that it implies belief in at least a version of that story. I'd like to see something like that phrased a bit differently. Maybe that's just me.

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