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The gun issue seems to be fueled by one group – men. [] “Did you ever stop to think about what the world would be like without men?” Khadijah replies: “A bunch of fat, happy women and no crime!”

JackPedigo 9 July 11
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I do not think you are correct, I feel that the real problem is power and stupidity. The first bill Trump signed when he became president was to allow insane people to purchase guns.

This has been a problem for a looong time not just when the POS and his enablers gained control. The report does cite a study and it showed just 2% of gun violence is committed by women.


Thank you JackPedigo for your post. People often accuse me of "man-hating. It is the testosterone overload that I hate which propels many men to violence. But I still would not be fat.

Mooolah Level 8 July 11, 2022

I concur - sad that the author suggests "fat women" - why not fit women? they seem more aware, more "woke", more conscientious.

Who knows, without amen to impress anything could happen. Besides, some places it's not called fat but 'traditionally built.'


There's a huge difference between men and patriarchy.
Men and women are just human.
It's their abysmal philosophies that cause all the issues.
Women get mad at men refusing to listen to their reproductive health concerns and passing laws that don't affect men while being dominate legal situations women have to deal with. Then when women complain there's a bunch of Tucker Carlson types telling them to shut up and get back in the kitchen.
All in all it's very easy to overreact to people that are overreacting.
Which is another thing pissing men off, they aren't as good at self control as women, but that's not the problem women should be working on.
Women should be telling women conservatives to STFU!
That's what women have the biggest problem with, other women that sell out to the conservative patriarchy.

I agree but too many 'men' have become the rotten apples in the barrel.


Women are free to collectively stop having sex with all men until there aren't any men left... Of course, they can't even use their majority to protect their own reproductive rights by working together, so I don't think it'll work.


I would prefer to keep all things invented by men. Take away 94% of all inventions, and see how happy the remaining women will be.

BD66 Level 8 July 11, 2022

Yeah, that might have something to with the restrictions and obstacles women have faced regarding educational opportunities until fairly recently. Which is why most of the inventions and scientific breakthroughs came from men. Christian men, to boot, since most people here in the West were Christian by default. So your post could just as easily have read:

“I would prefer to keep all things invented by Christians. Take away 94% of all inventions, and see how happy the remaining atheists will be”.

@NostraDumbass You would be amazed by the number of inventions by non-Christians.

I'm non-Christian, and I have 35 patents:


One of my non-Christian friends, ~150 patents:


Another non-Christian friend, ~170 patents:


Another non-Christian friend, 12 patents:


Another non-Christian (female) friend, ~130 patents:


Women are just as smart if not smarter than men, women can and do invent things all the time, they just do not get the credit for it.

@dalefvictor Women and men are different. Women tend to excel in things like medicine and social sciences. Men tend to excel in things like Chess, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering.

Men and women also have the same average IQ of 100, but the variance in IQ for men is larger than the variance for women, so you will find many more men than women with IQs below 70, and you will find many more men than women with IQs above 130.

If you look at what it takes to invent something new:

IQ above 130
The ability to excel in Mathematics, Physics, The Physical Sciences, and Engineering

The pool of men who meet those criteria is much much larger than the pool of women who meet those criteria. That's why 94% of the patents granted have at least 1 male as an inventor.

If you look at the extreme high level of performance in mathematics, the best place to look are the teams the United States sends to the International Mathematical Olympiad. It's a 4 step selection process:

First the National Mathematical Achievement Test
The National Invitational Math Test
The National Mathematical Olympiad
Selection of the top 8.

The selection process is completely driven by achievement.

Look at the teams the USA ends up sending to compete internationally:

@BD66 I am of the opinion that you have spent almost no time actually thinking about the drivel you are putting forth.


I don't think so as I think there are as many female nuts as there male nuts.

Oldman51 Level 7 July 11, 2022

Statistics show otherwise especially as far as guns are concerned.

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